[Ryujin] The Cashier

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Ryujin One Shot

-The Cashier-

Requested By: svahasa

I was told to surprise them... Someone should have warned them...


     "Hey, you seem more tired than usual." The girl said with a smile as she laid her things on the counter for me to ring up. "You doing okay?"

     "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit run down as of late." I responded with a worn smile.

     "There's that smile I look forward to seeing every night." She giggled.

     "You look forward to seeing my smile every night?" I chuckled back a little confused. "Your total is ten thousand wan."

     "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" She shrugged with a smile as she paid. "My work is stressful and having a face to look forward to when I finish a long day makes it all okay. It makes me sad when I have to travel and I can't see you for weeks at a time."

     "Looking forward to my face? How ugly are the guys at work?" I joked, causing us to both laugh.

     "It's not like that. You have a calming feeling to your smile and it relaxes me. It brightens up my day. Plus you always greet me politely and have little conversations like these with me." She explained as she put her money back into her purse. "Besides, do you really think I don't notice the discounts you give me?"

     Dang, called out. My face grew warm and I could gather that I was blushing by the look on her face. She really called me out for giving her discounts...

     "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, I'll be it terribly.

     "Oh, come on... " She looked at my name tag to make sure she got my name correct. "Y/n. I can do the math. This stuff was at least fifteen thousand wan."

     "Okay, fine, yes. I have been giving you discounts on things. I'm not supposed to but you always look incredibly tired and overworked when you come in." I reasoned. "You're also really cute..."

     "Ring this up." She held out a banana milk for me to take. "Without the discount. I want to see the full price on the register.

     I sighed and took the milk. I scanned it and sat it back down but before I could tell her the price she was holding out money.

     "Don't tell me the price, just take the money and put it all in the register." She demanded it sternly but with a cute smile.

     I did as she asked and placed the money in the register and held the milk out to her.

     "Nope, that's for you." She said slyly.

     "You don't have to buy me anything. I can just get it." I chuckled.

     "But it wouldn't mean anything if I didn't pay for it." Was her response. "Hey, what do you say we go out for coffee? Just us, together, on a date."

     "Wait... really?" I asked in shock.

     "Yeah, why not, it should be fun. We get along well here, I want to know if we will get along just as much outside of your work." She smiled at me.

     "Yeah, I would love to. How do I get a hold of you to decide on a day and time?" I asked.

     "Give me your phone?" She asked and I complied, and she handed it back after putting her number in. "I don't care what time it is when you get home after work, text or call me. I will be waiting to hear from you."

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