sumindo no nada~ fading into nothingness

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Looking at this rain, I realize how beautiful life is. Today I saw a new flower in that dying plant in my garden, it gave hope, hope for a new day, a new beginning.

But then I sat and thought about it again, was it really a new beginning or just another continuation.

Now think about life in the same way, and then think about death, how permanent are they.?

Are they the same- pause and play mechansims. Is birth just another refresh button, a refresh button to a soul, a soul that is overloaded with the emotions, the experiences, the thoughts.

Death doesn't seem so frightening anymore, does it..? but what is the use of that 'refresh', when eventually we are all going to fade into the oblivion, that deep abyes of forgotten events, the never ending fall from news to history, from legend to myth and eventually, nothing is left. This is what oblivion is, my friend, fading into nothingness.

How do we deal with the thought of fading away.Honestly we don't have to, it isn't aour job. our job is to play that part in this life that we are supposed to. Our job is to be what the world recquires us to be. Our job is to achieve greatness, not in the eyes of the world, but in our own. This is what we are destined to do. To work without expecting a reward, to pursue a goal. But instead of craving for the reward at the end of that road, we are supposed to enjoy the journey.

Oblivion will come to each and every one of us, as a friend to some and a foe to others. the main objective is to do a deed great enough to prolong the date of that oblivion long and far into the infinity.

Life is a story, make sure yours is an interesting one.

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