Questions and Answers! Featuring Some Special Guests!

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Author:So I've been asked a couple of questions so I might need a hand with this-

Author: Hey Izuku!

Izuku: Yeah?

Author: Your helping me with these questions alright?

Izuku: Sure thing!

Author: Alright the first question for the day...So Kazuki_ichika asked me, 'What inspired you to write this story?'

Izuku: Interesting! I wanted to know too!

Author: Well It was just an idea at first but with a few encouraging words from loominarty666 I decided to make this story.

Izuku: Huh... What a nice guy. Anways next question... Okay so ghostfiteme asked, 'If you had to ship a character from mha universe and the rwby universe who would it be?'

Author: Without out a doubt in my min-

A sudden explosion had occurred...

The girls had appeared...

Nora: Now what were you going to say Author-san?

Glynda: Yes do tell!

Author: You can't just bust down my wall like that! And to answer the question it would have to b-

Yang runs up and hits the Author on the head knocking him out cold-

Short Intermission we'll be right back brought to you by Pokeygriff giving the Author an ice pack.

Izuku: Well Uh... Next question!

Ruby: Can I say it this time!? Can I? Can I?

Author: Just go ahead...

Ruby: Yay! Okay... So GOKUBLACK193 asked, 'What is your favorite ship in the mha universe?'

Author: Easy! IzuKendo!

Izuku: You paired me up with Kendo-san!?

The girls start having their weapons pointed towards the Author...

Author: Well... F-

Another short intermission brought to you by Russelkier putting a cast around the Author's leg.

Author: Well...on to the next question... Rias.. You can do this one.

Rias: Thank you... Now B0ri0t0 had asked,'What is your favorite song?'

Author: Well It would have to be Silence by Marshmello.

Izuku: I should probably listen to that soon.

Akame: If Izuku is going to listen to it... Then I shall too!

Eri: Papa! What are doing in here with the Author?

Izuku: Just answering some questions with him do you want to read a question to him?

Eri: Yes I do! So EmbodymentOfMemes asked, 'What is your fa...favorite game?....and Could you recommend me some?'

Author: Well... Since I'm an Og it wouod have to be Luigi's Mansion on the GameCube. And for recommendations it would have to be Super Smash Bros Melee and Mario Kart Double Dash. Super Paper Mario is another one and it's on the Wii along with Mario Kart Wii cause that was the best Mario kart game that ACCTUALLY HAD FUNKY KONG.

Author: So with that over with I have one more thing to show you... Enjoy...

A spinoff will be happening with a few chapters of Eri in Remnant with SP by her side... Misadventures in Remnant!

Coming Soon!

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