Neutral Ending

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Obscurity. An endless plane of white, where sides could get lost forever. Fade away and forgotten. An area to be avoided at all costs, no one would ever check there. Making it the perfect place to hide. It was safer than him, at least.

Remus and Wrath traversed silently in the abyss, weary and scared. Remus cling to Wrath's arm, sniffling and near tears.

"Do.... D-do you De' escaped him?" Remus fearfully asked, the first time the two had spoken since hiding out there. Wrath pauses, the memory still fresh in his mind. The blindingly bright colors, the insane laughter, his taunting voice. And his eyes, Wrath managed to only glimpse them for a moment before shielding Remus and escaping the pull. Deceit.... He wasn't so lucky. Wrath sent Remus a pitying glance, not responding verbally. They continued walking.

"Can we stop walking now?" Remus whined softly "I'm tired".

"We have to keep walking, we have to make sure he won't find us" wrath blankly retorted.

"We've been walking for hours!" He paused "I think ... and what about the others? We can't just leave them to-... to..." Remus trailed off.

"It's probably too late." Wrath shrugged. Remus halted, pulling Wrath back.

"You- you can't say that! Please! We have to help them" tears built up in his eyes. He tugged on Wrath's arm when he didn't respond, "p-please!"

Wrath sighed in defeat "fine. We will try. No promises." He pauses, mumbling "you know I can't stand seeing you cry." Remus mustered a grin, hugging Arath tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you-"

"Now hold on, no promises we will get anyone. Don't thank me yet." Wrath gently pried Remus off. "I pray this doesn't put us in danger. I'm aborting mission the moment we see danger. Got it?" Remus modded enthusiastically.

Wrath took a shaky breath, putting a hand out and focusing. Slowly but surely a small portal opened. It seemed to take a lot of strain.

"I can't hold this open for very long, not here." Wrath mumbled. Remus took the opportunity to peer through the portal. They appeared to be behind Virgil. Thomas was nowhere, which was not very reassuring. Patton noticed him and opened his mouth to speak, only to get cut off by manic laughter. The portal wavered in Wrath's panic.

"Grab someone and pull, now" Wrath hissed. Remus snagged a very startled Virgil by the hood and yanked him through, the portal closing behind him before anyone could call out. Virgil swiveled around to face them. His expression turned to anger and disgust before looking around in panic.

"What. The. Hell! Are you trying to get rid of me? Dragging me here?!" Virgil glared at the pair. Wrath was pacing in distress.

"W-what do you mean? We rescued you!" Remus tried to smile in reassurance.

"He doesn't know, Ree. None of them do, they aren't prepared to take him." Wrath mumbled. Virgil glanced between the two, his anger fading upon realizing the pairs panic.

"... what the hell's going on?" Virgil still remained defensive.

"He's going to destroy them." Wrath just muttered.

"Who's he?!"

"W-we didn't know it would happen! I promise!"

"What'll happen to Thomas-"

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?!" Virgil yelled, getting the pairs attention.

"Logan" they managed to say in unison.

".... what?" Virgil's voice went quiet.

"He came to us real upset so we took him in! But he became a dark side and.." Remus trailed off.

"We could of never saw him becoming this bad." Wrath finished. "We lost Deceit to him."

"Lost? He-... he didn't kill him, did he? Oh god oh-" Virgil began to panic.

"I... I'm not sure. It seems like Logan has some sort of hypnotic ability, I only fortunately caught a slight glimpse of it, through his glasses." Wrath explained.

"We're hiding here so he can't find us!"


No one answered. They don't know. What other options did they have? Confront Logan or risk fading away into obscurity...

Confrontation seemed much too daunting of a task.

"The others..." Virgil started, staring in horror at the ground.

"I'm sorry, V... We didn't have time..." Remus nervously approached Virgil. Virgil yanked him into a hug, near crying.

The now trio decided this was a fine place to stay and rest for a while.

-ending ⅓-

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