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Author's Note: Hello everyone, this is a new story. I hope you will enjoy it better than you did the last one. In the meantime, this story is shorter than the last and hopefully happier. Read and enjoy and don't forget to vote on it if you liked it. thanks : )
Chapter One

I haven't been in Thailand for nearly eight years, yet when I stepped through the gates of the airport it was like I never left. This is home. Hearing my mother tongue been spoken around me brought a fresh smile to my face, different from the one I gave when our company decided to do a merge project with a company in Thailand and I was selected to personally supervise it.

I can't remember why I never came back home in all those eight years. Chicago was nice and where my life is but this place, these faces and this language all brought nostalgia racing to my throat.

"Kongpob, don't just walk ahead."

I turned to Ariel as she pulled her bag along with her. I had offered to take her's with mine but she refused and I must admit that I did walk a little ahead from her. Guiltily I smiled and said, "I'm sorry Ariel, I just didn't realize how much I have missed it here."

My English has gotten really good after all this time in Chicago. It was definitely better than my Chinese. I couldn't wait to speak Thai again.

Ariel rolled her green eyes but a smile was breaking through. "It's alright baby, I know you are excited to be home. I know how much you've missed it here. But usually, when I tell you to come back you never want to."

Yeah, I can't remember why I never wanted to. I remember the feeling, a feeling that there was nothing for me here in Thailand. But I have no idea what the cause of that feeling was. My family was here.

Speaking of my family, I spotted my mother coming with my name held up high and a welcome home placard in my father's hand. "Kongpob!" she hugged me and kissed my face. Her smell brought another nostalgic tear to my eyes.

"Oh my baby," she said still hugging me. My father patted my back and from that gesture, I could feel how much they've missed me. We talked regularly over the phone and my mother never stopped telling me to come back home. She really hates my staying in Chicago.

"Hello." Another thing she hated—okay, didn't like much—was my girlfriend Ariel. Ariel is a born and bred Chicago girl, and she has had very few conversations with my mom and they have been... almost civilized. This time she was trying to be as nice as possible, just like we talked about and even used the right way to great my parents. The wai was perfect but my mother only had a blank expression on her face.

I pulled away from them and wrapped an arm around Ariel. "Mom, dad, meet Ariel. " I said. I sneaked a glance and found Ariel smiling the type of smile she used on difficult clients; extremely sweet and polite, and she hasn't lowered her hands yet. From my parents perspective, I saw how they would take in Ariel's fair skin, slim figure with the little bit of dyed green hair and the line of earrings on her ears.

"Nice to meet you," my father broke the silence. "How does it feel to be in Thailand?" His English was as good as I expected. I smiled in appreciation.

"Really nice," Ariel responded in Thai earning her a raised eyebrow from my mother and a smile from my father. "Kongpob has been teaching me and I can hear and speaking a little."

"That's good," my father nodded. I could see that he liked her. That was what I wanted. Ariel and I have been together for nearly a year now and I am serious about her, hence why I am bringing her home.

Seeing my father's approval put me at ease but my mother's expression was still blank and we were all starting to notice that she hasn't said anything yet. "Mom," I said with as much pleading I could do with my eyes.

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