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Yo! Mentioned this in my last story, but I'll mention it again. Not that anyone will read this lmao

(Ignores distant yelling of me to stop talking and get out more fuckin stories)

I promise this will be worth your while plz read ;-;

So, I'm havin a contest. I'm going to be picking three peoples requests to be the character I draw in those little art thingys I have in the stories. I usually just use my character that represents me, but that's kinda stupid because it's an X reader not a me reader.

So! I decided to take three requests, comment their appearance, and if you want me to put a certain personality into the text, I'll certainly do it.

But uh, sorry. I don't do Oc's x characters. I'll put you in it, and add slight changes to the tone, but that name will forever be (y/n). 

ANYWAYS! So get tf on that so I can write the next story. Let it be known I usually draw them mid story when I think of a good idea, so I need at least one before I start the next one. 

If yours doesn't get picked, then do not worry my friend. I'll probably do another contest for this book if you guys want it enough. 

Now onto more pressing matters.

Yep, this A/N is a doozy.

I have a proposition for yall. 

If you guys can get this story to 300 upvotes, then I'll give myself even more work and make another book for you! I was thinking about just making it DanPlan because I got positive reinforcement on it, but NO. 

This is about YOU guys.

So if you help out the story by getting it up, I will make a list of suggestions for another one shot book and have another A/N for you to vote on which fandom you'd like me to ruin with my obscene writing style.

Or.... You could just ignore it... That's fine too I guess.. Not like I wanted your opinions ;-;

Okay okay one last thing.

So, I will admit, the way I make these stories is preeetty different than most writers. I talk to myself and argue with myself, I'll randomly cut out of writing and throw my drawing tablet on my lap to provide scenery, and occasionally I'll take a short videogame break.

Sometimes I'll even voice chat with my friends so they can make fun of me for writing fanfiction. Well OKAY Deborah, I don't see people viewing your instagram 12.4k times. 

But anyways, Starting tomorrow I will be recording some parts of the process, whether it be writing, drawing, or screaming into my tea, and editing it to actually be bearable to watch. Then, I will post the videos on my youtube account. But ONLY after the story is done and posted. Spoilers suck. 

I know this is getting long so I'll cut it off with one more thing.

I'm making a discord chat because I've seen some of you guys talking on my posts, so here's a place where you can personally yell at me for spelling errors

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I'm making a discord chat because I've seen some of you guys talking on my posts, so here's a place where you can personally yell at me for spelling errors. 


I'd really like to get to know some of you guys because you don't shame me for my sense of humor. I'll be on occasionally, and you'll have full possibility to send requests in one of the chats. Or drawings. Maybe I'll use some as titles ;3

Without further ado, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an awesome night!

Don't be shy! I'm a 17 year old girl with nothing better to do than try to make friends through stories. I'm not that intimidating believe me. If you're having a bad day, I made a therapy with mom chat so I can give life advice. Love you all!


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