Chapter 11

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Saturday 16 November
Prince Harry's
Point of View

"Hi." I say to Eliana as she answers her phone.

"Hey Haz." She says, making me smile as her voice rings through my phone.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"Good thanks." She cuts herself off by yawning before apologizing," Sorry, I just woke up, and you?" She asks yawning though the phone, making me chuckle lightly.

"It's okay, You're adorable." I say as I hear her giggle softly, "I've just been around the city for a bit, I was wondering if you wanted to meet me somewhere?"

"Yeah, definitely." She says making me smile. "Where are you?"

"I'm not one hundred percent sure." I say making her laugh. "Give me two seconds."

Eliana Moretti's
Point of View

"Okay." I say to him, as I hear him in the background asking someone where he is, making me laugh again.

"I love your laugh." I hear him say, making me blush.

"Thank you." I say softly, I waiting for him to tell me where he is.

"I'm in Santa Croce neighborhood, where ever that may be."

"Okay, yeah I know where you are. I need to get ready though." I say to him.

"Okay, well I won't wonder too far anymore, I'll be in the same area. " He says. I say okay before ending the phone call and go to get ready

Once I was finished everything, I left the bathroom, pulling on my high waisted jeans, tightening them with a belt. I put on a plain white long sleeve shirt as well as some white shoes before grabbing a small bag and leaving the cottage.

As I walk out, I see Marie and Bertram sitting in the garden which links the house to the cottage.

"Morning." I say to them, as they look up, flashing them a gentle smile.

"Morning darling." I hear Bertram say making me smile and walk to them, giving them both a hug. They really are the cutest couple.

"Off to Harry again?" Marie says, making me blush and nod. "I hope we get to officially meet him soon." She says laughing lightly, making me laugh with her but I nod, assuring her I will introduced them.

"I'll let him know." I say back with a smile.

"Don't make her keep the boy waiting too long, run along now darling." Bertram says making me smile before saying goodbye.

It must have taken me about fifteen minutes to get to where Harry was. I click the call button before lifting the phone up to my ear, waiting for Harry to pick up.


"I'm like a minute away." I say to him as he hums through the phone.

"Okay, can't wait to see you." He says making me smile, before I end the call and slip my phone into the small bag.

It's been over five weeks since I first met Harry, and I guess you could say were more than friends, but we're not anything more than that. I think after spending the last four weeks with him, I think he's picked up that I've been unsure about about it.

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