Chapter 16: Out in the open

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Morning struck the Cabello household as Camila's phone was going off with calls from Lauren, who was leaving voicemail after voicemail. Sofi was displeased that the ringing was so loud that it woke her up. Sofi clambered into Camila's bed, poking her sister awake to turn off her phone.

"Kaki, it's too loud," she poked continuously.

Camila's eyes flickered open. "Sorry Sofi," she silenced the phone.

"Who was that anyway?" The younger girl yawned.

"It was Lauren. She's just worried about me,"

"Shouldn't you call her back then?"

"Later," she yawned, wanting to go back to sleep.



"When are you gonna tell your fans that you're sick?"

Camila didn't put much thought into it. "I don't know yet, maybe soon?"

"A lot of people are worried about you, Kaki, and Mami said it's not nice to lie,"

Camila nodded in understanding. "Don't worry about it, Sof. I'll tell the truth soon, okay?"


Camila turned on her phone and just listened to Lauren's voicemails, her voice was like music to her ears and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Camzi, you can't hide forever. Please call me when you get the chance, I'm begging you." The dial tone went off indicating Lauren hung up.

"You can't hide forever," Camila repeated to herself.


Camila was avoiding Lauren's calls all day because she was caught thinking about the news that was spiralling about her illness, the theories becoming crazy out of proportions. Camila didn't know how to tell the world that she had cancer, her attempts included writing a tweet, but after reading it over, she decided against it.

After thinking it over the whole morning, she decided to go live. Turning on her laptop, she pressed the button and it began to record.

"Hi everyone," she did a little wave to the camera. "I know there have been a lot of rumours concerning a picture of me at the hospital, and I would just like to clear up some of the rumours." she addressed to the camera.

Meanwhile, Lauren was given a notification that her one and only went live. Clicking the link quickly, she saw her face, her beautiful face. She called the girls to come and watch it with her.

"I know I should have said this a long time ago, but I-I just didn't know how," Camila stammered, trying to fight back tears. "This has been the hardest 4 months for me. I-I'm sorry for missing shows, and just not being present for a while," she took a deep breath.

"The truth is I have been in and out of the hospital being treated for Leukemia, which is a type of cancer." She noticed a flood of comments hit "It's been very difficult to have to deal with. I miss performing, and getting to do meet and greets, interviews. I could go on but I don't want to bore any of you," she sighed.

"I just want to say that all of you don't need to worry. I'm gonna kick cancer's butt, and I'll be up on stage in no time. Well, that's all for now, thanks for watching," Camila turned off the stream, and felt relief running through her body, happy that that chapter was done.


Lauren smiled once Camila finished her live stream, the woman started to scroll through her contacts for Camila's name. After a single ring, the younger Cuban answered.

"Hey Lo,"

"Hey, Mila," Lauren grinned. "I noticed you went live?"

"I did. H-How do you think everyone is gonna react?"

"Probably shocked, concerned, basically how I'm feeling right now."

Camila sighed. "You don't have to worry about me,"

"Sure, I do. You have my heart, Mila."

The girl blushed.

"I'm glad you aren't hiding anymore,"

"Me too. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders." Camila chuckled.

"You do realize that Austin is gonna find out, right?"

"Yeah, why is that important,"

"He's gonna get more karma from being a douche to you. Remember, we have him on film being a dick to a girl with cancer."

"Dang, I didn't think about that," Camila admitted.

"Yeah, I can just picture him panicking," Lauren laughed.

That is exactly what was happening. Austin was sweating nervously. He didn't realize how much of a jerk he really was until his manager was yelling at him.

"How could you let this happen, am I a joke to you? I took you from the bottom and now that you're at the top, you're just gonna fall back to the bottom?" Richard, his manager, put a hand to his forehead. "You just destroyed what we built for you,"

"I didn't know she had cancer,"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that she has a career, and you don't anymore,"

"What do you mean anymore? You're just gonna drop me?"

"Not unless you fix this mess you've created."


Camila's phone was going off the hook with notifications. Most of them were news and texts from her manager about everything. But what shocked her the most was that Austin was texting her, and the boy was just asking for her to call him. But Camila really didn't want to talk to that mess.

Sinu was preparing food for her family when she got a call from the hospital. They had scheduled Camila's bone marrow testing. The mother sighed, knowing what was going to happen, and she could picture her daughter after the procedure in a lot of pain. It was scheduled for next Tuesday, three days from then, so Sinu told Camila to get her prepared.

"Mila?" Sinu called.

"I already took my pills" Camila answered.

"No, that's not what I was going to say,"

"Oh, then what is it? Who was on the phone?"

"It was the hospital, you have the bone marrow testing on Tuesday,"

"Oh," Camila sighed.
"You'll be fine, and I'll take care of you after, don't worry,"

"Do you think I'll be in a lot of pain?" Camila questioned.

"Yeah, but it'll probably be quick, it's an easy procedure," Sinu softened the blow.

"If you say so," Camila rubbed the back of her neck.


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