Stars in the Night Sky || MariChat

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☛ Too lazy to write an intro so

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☛ Too lazy to write an intro so... here ya go? :P

It's a short read today, but I was working on my writing skills so it took longer than usual.

(Anoooother challenge entry—this time it's for a fic title challenge!)

(Anoooother challenge entry—this time it's for a fic title challenge!)

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╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Stars in the Night Sky
by MLB_Nutcase
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Dancing bluebells.

Twirling, dipping, graceful bluebells.

They shimmered and sparkled, swirled with mischief. Their power was strong, irresistible. Like a magnet.


Raven hair.

Swooshing, falling, loose raven hair.

It was beautiful, luxurious. It was suiting for a girl like her.


Porcelain skin.

Pink, soft, smooth porcelain skin.

Her flushed, barefaced cheeks, upturned nose, and thin, glossy lips made my face stretch into a grin. She was stunning.


Flowing, pretty clothes.

Designed by her, worn by her, loved by all. The dress, tight around the waist but free around the legs, was nothing short of another masterpiece. Blush pink, gold accents. The colors overloaded my senses.


Thin, dainty shoulders.

Barely holding up the straps of her dress, shoulders.

They were just as pale as the rest of her skin—so gloriously pale.


Smooth, soft legs.

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