Chapter 10 ~ The Finale

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The ambulance doors closed as Hiccup stood there silently and watched.

He couldn't do anything at this point. She was already gone.

The love of his life just, slipped from his grasp, and it was all his fault.

He should've known to trust his gut feeling that Elsa wasn't alright. He shouldn't have let her go home by herself, knowing the condition she was in.

He should've known that she wasn't okay.

Hiccup's mom put her hand on his shoulder and stood beside him.

Hiccup called her as soon as he got his act together. She's the one that called the ambulance.

"Hiccup," She started. "Mom, I don't want to hear it." He said, interrupting her before she could even speak.

"I completely understand." She said standing in front of him. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but it would really help."

Hiccup stared at the ground in front of him. His mom was about to walk away until he gained the courage to say these words:

"It's all my fault." He said, not looking up from the ground.

"What do you mean?" Valka asked him.

"I should've known that she wasn't okay." Hiccup started. "I should've known that something was up, something was bothering her. I can't believe that I just let her go."

He began to tug on his hair.

"Why did I let her leave alone mom?" He asked, looking at Valka. "My gut told me not to let her go, but I let her go anyways. If I didn't let her go, she'd still be here."

He began to slap his forehead.

"I'm such an idiot!" He yelled.

"Hiccup, don't put this on yourself." Valka said, stopping him from hitting his own head. "She didn't tell you, it's not your fault."

"But it is mom!" Hiccup said. "I know I haven't known her for long, but I feel like I knew everything about her." A single tear fell from his eye, something that seemed to be happening a lot recently.

"She trusted me, I trusted her, she understood me and I understood her." He began pacing back and forth. "I had her life in my hands one night, I thought that if she told me she was okay, she was actually okay. Never did I expect her to lie to me like that, over something so serious."

Valka tried her best to calm him down. "Hiccup, this isn't good for your heart." She said, hoping for him to be calmer. To her displeasure, it only got worse.

"I have her sisters heart mom." Hiccup said, stopping his pacing and locking his eyes with his mom's. "She didn't even know because I never gave her the chance to know. I avoided the responsibility to tell her. She died without knowing that I had her own sisters heart. She deserves to know but now she can't because she's dead! The love of my life, my best friend is dead!"

Hiccup fell to the ground in pain, but not because of his weak heart, but because of his broken heart.

At that point the ambulance had left, taking Elsa to the hospital in no rush because she had already passed.

Hiccup and his mom stayed in Elsa's front lawn as Hiccup let all the tears inside his body out.


"Hiccup dear," Valka said softly, knocking on his door. "It's time to go."

"I'll be right down." Hiccup said, faintly.

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