Your story doesn't End Here

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This is. HUGE one,the main part of the story is you.your the one who created the story with your own memories,choices,emotions,your point of view and even your own mental or physical state.even what your experiencing in life places a good part in it.Look this Is gonna be a touchy one for those who can't handle it and positive parts of course anyways.From being a baby up until your age now you may have had.a good life or bad life or experienced both no one knows because this is about you and not them.Listen,memories are important but not everyone always want to remember most of them and it hurts to think about.for those who have treating others like shit because of what are going through I get it but that's never the answer to anything,it only makes things worse okay?.For those who grew up in an amazing household you are so lucky that you have a supportive family and never was abandoned or abused but you may not be perfect and go through something bad later on or have just be lucky to have those who stay or choose to and raised you right or took care of you,although I'd advise you to take advice from what you could do if you ever have anything bad happen to you.those who went through a shitty life even now I'm sorry for you guys and even going to school,being able to wake up and get out of bed when you don't want to is so much more than you realized,I get it I may not have been through what you guys have but I still can say something.just listen to me this once okay?or not..just know that you and anyone in general that is still alive,with battle scars or not,that has thought about committing suicide or attempt it but is still here today.that your still willing to try even when wanting to give up that is..everything and keep on doing what your doing because it's worth doing,your lifes are worth it everyone's one deserves to go through any pain at are so much more than you realize,even to those who care about you even if it's one or not even that much people that do its better than nothing.and yes your mental states aren't the best and you may be exhausted or tired mentally but listen..please try to get help..please please do not for me but for yourself for your family your parents your mom who birthed you and raised you,you have a reason to here!! I love you and everyone out there even those who I don't know,you are all loved no matter what.those who can go to school,jobs,college,cons,etc do what you do in general even when going through the bullshit that you do,you guys really are an inspired and I honestly and truly,admire that.just don't give up..even after going through all that abuse,not being in the right body to your mind because your trans,loving the same gender and don't have support,or just trying to be yourself in general,or maybe all of those combined.everything happens for a reason trust me it does,you are all worth it and just for God sake do what you love try being happy,be around people who you can be yourself around that make you happy and your not afraid to talk to that you can tell them anything,because you deserve it.stop faking your smiles,if those who truly and really care about you notice that then they are willing to try to make you happy even if it takes time or years even medication and lots of help it'll be worth it if your willing to try..those people who abuse you or hurt you probably go through a lot and want to use it on you even if it isn't right and you still love them, listen you need to get them out of your life you don't need that no one does.take a good look at yourself in the mirror and get use to what your seeing because it's never gonna leave.don't you EVER say that you don't matter or you should kill yourself that isn't true,and even if you don't want to think that way and you do because of someone or something. In your life it's because they want to win and want it to get to you,don't let are so much better than this really you are,your story doesn't end here;theres so many more chapters that need to be made in your life including your choices of words and soon you'll have a book about you.If you just slowly work you way to where you are now to who you want to be and take time it'll be worth it because you not only accomplished something but you are you and changed for the may not be easy but the question is,are you willing to do it?I have been here myself..I've been in a Toxic Relationship,abandoned by my dad,betrayed by people who I thought were my friends,I was stuck in a friend group that wasn't good for me.this all lead to my mental issues and it was tough really it was a tough five or four years in a half for me I never thought I would be able to make it was..I wasn't able to function right in the head because of it and have trust issues barley any friends,it lead to bad choices and I was a mess.i was basically in my own nutshell not even taking care of myself,sitting in my room either crying or always unhappy and angry;never leaving the room to socialize and I would always beat my siblings up and be mean to everyone in my family if I was out of my room,it was basically affecting my grades in school and everything.i gave up and nearly committed suicide,there was a lot of self harm.involved.i hated even myself and my own was the worst years of my life and my life was absolutely hell always went down hill when I thought things would get don't ever think I don't know how it feels because I do and it did take a while for me and even some days my mental state isn't the best but I'm better now and more stable, but also happier.i started to love myself more this year and went to therapy during the summer before 9th grade,it was hard at first but eventually I started being happier,less depressed,and hanging out with better people and now I'm myself again.Trust me I know it isn't to get out of the dark,once your in it and it's easier to be in the dark than the light.but I never gave up,I had at least some.hope and feel so much better after getting help.I knew that my life is worth living for and to stay alive.for the most part it was mainly bottled up emotions and not being myself that caused some part of it,so never do that because it makes things worse and you need to be heard even if you write it down do something.Lastly,memories are a huge one and there may be bad ones but there's good ones too and it's something that's a part of you that you can't just get rid of easily,it makes you who you are today and got you to where you are even when getting choices can say something if you want to,just speak up and remember No one controls you but maybe scary but just think about it ok?,you don't even have to do so if you don't want to its ok..just at least take it as advice and I hope it helped at least some.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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