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Lacy POV

I walked out of the bathroom and things were awkward since Luke accidentally walked in on me showering. He grabbed his clothes and walked into the bathroom without a word, I got changed into some new clothes that I bought this time around and one of Luke's hoodies. I put my shoes on and grabbed my bag before shoving my hair into a plat before putting it into a top bun. I put a light layer of make up on, just some foundation, powder, mascara and a lip balm. I finished getting ready and grabbed my bag, then just one queue Luke walked out of the bathroom now dressed. Things were awkward now between us, "um I've gotta go or I'll be late" Luke said before he rushed out of the room, "Luke wait you still have your bruises showing" I said in concern.

"It's not like people at school haven't seen me with bruises before, it'll be fine" he said carelessly, "no Luke it's not fine let me clean you up" I said. He looked at me with a defeated expression and shook his head, "no you don't need to" he said and I took a hold of his hand gently and guided him into the bathroom. I gently pushed him towards the counter and reached over to grab the cotton balls and disinfectant to clean his wounds. Gently and carefully I fixed him up and covered his bruises with concealer, "there we are all done" I said smiling at him. Only Luke didn't smile he still looked defeated, "Luke smile" I said and he looked up at me with red rims around his eyes. "Luke come on let's go, today in English Mr. Reynolds is handing out the new assignment" I said and he just nodded.

Calum POV

*Sigh just look at him he's so beautiful but he doesn't notice me at all, he's always following Michael and not once has he noticed me. I was currently daydreaming while looking at Ashton across the room, shame he's dating Kaitlin who's cheating on him by the way. She's been seeing another guy for two months now and Ashton has no idea. Haha Cashton what a ship name that is, Lacy would tease us about it a lot with our other friends. I wonder how Lacy and Luke are going, I know Michael wants them to split and she admitted to dating him because she felt sorry for him but something doesn't feel right.

They are a cute couple though and it's rare that Luke smiles, when we bullied him before he had Lacy he never smiled. He always looked so upset and I don't blame him, he's always wear long sleeve too. Not once have I seen him in a short sleeve shirt, I pull out my phone and text Lacy because I was bored and I hadn't seen her since we were all over at her house. I looked up from my phone and I saw Ashton and Kaitlin fighting, this wasn't the first time either. I zoned out not paying attention to their business and it must've been a few minutes until I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see Ashton.

Lacy POV

Sitting next to Luke in English and he still seemed so quiet like he was this morning after our little incident. We received our English assignment to work on and Mr. Reynolds was currently explaining the assignment, I was so bored. I went on my phone and saw a text from Calum come through and I looked around to see if anyone was watching before I answered back.

L- Lacy, C- Calum

C- hey Lacy
L- hey Calum what's up?
C- I'm in home economics class, Kaitlin and Ashton are fighting again
L- seriously again?
C- yep and he still has no clue that she's cheating on him
L- that's foul
C- Lacy I really like Ashton
L- I know Cal but I don't know what else to tell you other than be brave and patient
C- you're right

I continued texting Calum in class and I looked over at Luke to see him wearing his glasses and looking focused. The bell soon rang and I gathered my stuff and so did Luke, I walked over to Luke's desk and tapped his shoulder. "Hey Luke I'm thinking of going home early wanna come?" I asked and he bit his lip and looked at me questioningly. "Um sure" he said and I showed a wide smile before reaching out for his hand and we left the classroom. We snuck out of the school grounds and out the side gate before running down the street. "Catch me if you can!" I yelled at Luke as I kept running down the sidewalk, he began chasing me and I just laughed as he ran after me.

We soon got to my house and Luke wrapped his arms around my waist catching me, "gotcha" he laughed. He kissed my cheek and grinned widely, reaching up I ruffled his hair and unlocked the door to get inside. My parents weren't home so we had the house to ourselves. "Come on let's go up to my room to study" I said taking his hand and pulling him inside kicking the door shut behind me and we walked to my room.

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