episode 3 season 1

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Louis ,Christa, and i sit on a log in the rain, in front of a campfire where they are cooking a weasel. Christa is no longer pregnant.

" Christa. Talk to me.". I asked her Christa sighs, stands up, and tends to the fire.

"This'll never work. Look at this...it's pathetic. The wood's too wet to burn... There's more smoke than flame... At this rate, we'll be eating this for breakfast."

"It's okay. we can wait." louis said christa rolls her eyes

" All we do is wait. And for what... ? You two should be doing this, not me. Tending a fire so you can cook and stay warm...it's something you have to be able to do, Otherwise..." Christa hinted towards death again, like she always does I understand though she lost omid and the baby ...

"We can't stay in one place too long. It's too dangerous. We need to keep moving." i state making louis and her both look down look down

" All we do, all we have ever done is move. But we never seem to get anywhere.".i wrap my arms around myself and sigh

" i'm freezing."

"You think this is bad, wait 'til we get up to Wellington, then talk to me about cold. If we make it. We still have a couple hard months ahead of us. This rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow. It won't be easy."

so much for making conversation

" Is it safe there"...? Louis asked her

" Safer than here because of the cold. or so they say. We just need to keep moving north.'. She announced

Christa loudly sighs and stands up " I'm gonna go look for more wood.  just keep the fire lit.

Louis pulls out some paper and a lighter from his book bag.          " christa isn't doing it well ".I pointed out to him . he just nods

" i'm just waiting for her to lose it , because it's gonna happen soon ."

I hit his arm

" don't say that ".

I say while adding more fire to the pit he walks back to his book bag and snickers

" clementine for all we know she right ...... behind us! "

louis said while coming behind me and grabbing me i jump outta fear and fall then i felt louis's hands under me i open my eyes and look at him while he's smiling " wow clem , looks like you've really fallen for me ". he said making me roll my eyes . "Shut and I cannot stress this enough the fuck up ". I laughed then i  hear  people talking Louis and I  follow the noise through the woods.

"Jesus, are you fuckin' kidding me?! Out here alone? In the middle of nowhere? But we haven't met anyone yet. ".

"How many people are you with?: Hate to see someone get hurt. "Now hold on, she's setting you up".

"I'm by myself."

"You're obviously with someone, where's your group?"

Louis and i find Christa surrounded by group

"don't fucking lie to us!"

"Who do you think you're foolin'?" the random guy says

"Give us the truth and you don't get hurt.".

The random men starts yelling and pushing her then one pulls out a gun and points in at her " where's your group ". " i. DON'T . HAVE . ONE ." christa says raising her hands up higher .

Louis and I both turn to each other , pondering what to do "here ". Louis whispered while grabbing a rock "what am i gonna do with this ". I whispered back to him he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He getts up and throws the rock at the random dudes face .

" What the fuck...?" the dude yells while falling to the ground

"CHRISTA, RUN!" I said trying to distract everyone

she ducks and runs pass the dude . "hey "! louis and I run , chased by the dudes friend A gunshot is heard in the distance. And i hear christa scream ,

" Get the fuck over here! NOW!" I hear the dude say while i'm running i hid behind a tree ,' fuck , wheres louis ' i thought to mysefl

"Motherfucker! Come out here, girl. I'm not fucking around. Look, girl, ain't no way you're smart enough to get outta this. Just come out." the random man yells while making me even more scared

I crawl under a tree and then continue running , " for fucksakes ".

Then i feel someone yank me up by my shirt " leave me alone !" " shut the fuck -" i hear a loud thud and see louis standing there with his chairleg

" you , keep running i'm gonna find christa". He said "wait i -". "GO ". He yelled at me I sigh and start running.

" you dumb bitch".another man came out of nowhere

And starts running after me but then gets attacked by walkers . then three other walkers   come out of nowhere . I pick up a rock and throw it at the one walker and then my foot slipped and I fell off the cliff.


Hey you guys I haven't been in this account in soooo long bruh but I came back and checked and saw alot of people really like this story so if you guys want I'll starting writing in here again :) 

Thanks for all the kind words ❤️

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