episode 4 season 1

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i hope you guy enjoy the chapter nothing really happens in the chapter but the next one will be a a little bit more exciting , 

ALSOOOOO  if you do covers pla pm me i really wanna do a more advanced version of the cover  i already have 

Season 1 ep 4

Clementine pov

I wake up by the river bank , I look around wondering if Christa or Louis were around , I grab my head as I feel it throb in pain . I stand up and start to look around even more ,

"where am I?" I asked myself.. I start to walk around, hoping to find Louis or Christa , or maybe even some food. A flash back to the motel, came back , I shudder but then quickly come back to reality.

" Christa ... Louis , anyone there ". i realized how stupid it was to make this much noise

When i have no weapon to defend myself , i quickly grew quiet as i looked for something , shit anything

Looking down i noticed a grave and i sadly sighed , i don't think anyone is here . i walked along the trail as i neared closer to a fallen tree ; i noticed a warning sign







I chuckle at the last statement , i climb over the fallen tree and start walking i start hear something in the bush i froze


A dog popped out at me and growled " it's okay boy ". I said to calm him down . I guess it doesn't take much to calm the dog down cause it worked .

I checked the collar of the dog and found out his name was Sam . " Sam, nice to meet you Sam".

After that Sam trailed behind me sniffing the ground behind me . all of a sudden Sam barks and runs off

"Wait , where are you going ? hold on at least ". .

I followed him until we ended up at a campsite ,

:Hello?! Looks pretty run over...but you never know. Let's look around for some food."

I saw Sams ear perk up from the sound of food and I saw him start walking around .

" find anything yet " i asked Sam i slowly shook my head i forgot the dog didn't talk for a second .

I walked over to the trash barrel " welp , here we go " i said to myself i reached in and pulled out a can

" oh my god thank you ",

" hey Sam look , lets see whats inside ". i said while waving to can around a little bit

While i'm walking away i hear Sam start barking , i whipped my head around to see why he needed to be so loud .

" shh Sam , we gotta be quite ". he continued to bark i sighed and walked over to where he was barking at

It was a walker that was tied to a tree , a gun and a knife sat close by him i grabbed both and saw there was about 8 bullets in the gun , i put the gun in my pocket and grabbed the knife and stabbed it through the walkers head ,

" it's best to put him out of his misery". I spoke while patting Sams head .

I took a seat on the log and wiped the knife off on to my jeans , and began cutting a hole in the can

I found beans and they were still good it seemed . : thank god ". i started to eat the can of beans and I heard Sam whimper .

" there is barely enough for me , go find your own food Sam ".

Third person

The dog growled and bit Clementine's arm and dragged her down , Clementine punched the dog in the face .

Sam lunged at her again and Clementine kicked him hard as she could . , clementine takes her knife out and walks over to sam , he landed in a pit full of spikes he tried getting out but he was literally bleeding out , clementine grabbed her knife and stabbed him through the head

Might as well put him out of his misery

Clementine continues walking through the woods. Clem whimpers in pain and exhaustion and sits down, leaning against a rock. Her vision becomes blurry. Walkers start to approach and she gets up, trying to escape. One walker knocks her over and she tries to push it away; suddenly, it is decapitated by someone with a machete. Someone else's fires a crossbow at the other walkers.

Clementine pov

" i'm out ". i hear the voice say

" come on on kid we gotta get going , we can't stay here ".

The guy with long shaggy hair picked me up and started running once were in the clear the slowed down

" i think we're safe ". i hear the older man say

"Yea we're good , hey , are you okay " he urgently asked . i sighed

"I'm fine just let me be". I said while getting uncomfortable " and you know i can walk i don't need you to carry me ". i don't know these people yea they saved my life but for all i know their cannibals .

" are you sure cause a second ago you were just about pass out ,looks like your in bad shape ." why won't he put me down

" I can still walk, I don't need this much support ". he sighed and put me down we started walking again and everything started getting dizzy ,

" Oh well my name is Luke and this Pete " they introduced themselves

" my names clementine " i said while trying to stay balanced


I need to stay up

Next thing i know i'm on the ground hearing the man that called himself Luke yelling at me

"clementine !??"

After that everything got blurry 


poor clemy clue :( i got a little lazy at the end there sorry if it not as good im only gonna update in Tuesdays and Wednesdays . 

bye , :) love you guys hehe 

"1064 " 

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