The Night We Met (chapter 2&3)

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Chapter 2

Bed Time Story

As both Melanie and Lucas were leaving the caff's parking lot--- "wait!!!" a tiny voice interrupted " you not  in the same cay(car) as mommy  then?"little destiny asked. 

Lucas chuckled " no dear, not yet. We weren't------" 

"Then stawt (start) from the vewy (very) beginning then!" she interrupted again. 

"But its too long dear!" her dad answered "it's almost bed time sweetie".

"PLEASE DAD!!" a voice from the bunk bed above shouted. "it's our favorite story" Alice popped her head from above them. 

"Okay, but you have to sleep right after I finish it , deal?" Lucas replied

"DEAL!" little destiny mimicked as her tiny hand closed at a fist rising her tiny thumb up.


Chapter 3

The Party 

That night was Derik's birthday party. I was thinking of ditching but I couldn't cause I did last year. I decided to go after all. (who's Derik you're asking? While he's one of my friends from school days). 

As I was driving home I realized that I forgot to go pick up his gift from the archery store, (why you're asking? Cause he's obsessed with darts, bows, and arcs). I had his name carved in a black wood bow.

I was on my way home to change into something more formal, and as I was getting out of the car i heard my mom asking if i returned. Making my way upstairs to my room, i decided to wear a black shirt that said "Sarcasm?" and a pair of long short jeans. 

I finally arrived at the door step of Derik's house and the door was already opened for guests. Derik was one of my closest friends back in School but things were off when we graduated. As we are both in our second year in collage. I was welcomed warmly by Derik and his girlfriend into the house , as they gave me a drink and showed me a seat right after I gave him the gift as he opened it at the spot. His big blue eyes were very large as he studied the bow carefully. His girlfriend gave a little gasp as she smiled.

Derik then hugged me and thanked me over a million times.


As I was sipping from my cup and walking around I bumped into the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, her long reddish brown almost like rust hair waving their way through hergreen big sparkling eyes, with a cherry red mouth opened wide screaming andshouting, over reacting... about my drink that is spilled all over her polka dots, pale pink and baby blue dress, tried to calm her down, when she cried out laughing her heart out: ("ok! MAD SHE IS MAD!, SHE MUST BE!") I said to myself why is she laughing?

She apologized for her weird actions and I did too for spilling my drink all over her. She started whipping of the spots of cola on her drink and when she gave up she rose her head and her bangs raised up with her barley showing her shining eyes. "my name is Melanie by the way"

"Lu... Lucas, listen I'm sorry let me ask Derik's girlfriend if she has something or like..." I was cut of by her words " no,no it's okay don't worry about it , its only a dress, how about we find a place to sit?" she said softly. 

"Sounds good to me" I replied as I found us a perfect place near the pool. 

As we talked none stop she told me briefly about herself, our conversation went somehow like this:

Melanie: so Lucas or should I call u mister sarcastic? How old are u ?

Lucas: how old do u think I am?

Melanie: well I don't know, with your height u look like 23 maybe 24 ?

Lucas: haha yeah I know I'm pretty tall, but negative (as I shook my head and laughed) I'm 21. What about you?

Melanie: well how old do you think I am ?

Lucas: I don't know like 14 or 16 you look pretty young but i know for a act you might be older I've seen u here and there in Uni?

Melanie: nope I'm actually 20, wait! What collage do you go to? i haven't seen u!

Lucas: but that impossible!! I go to Michigan high.

Melanie: I know I know I look way younger,I guess it's cause of those (as she pointed and waved her hair and her fringe waved with her).Yeah i go there ! what's your height by the way?

Lucas: well I'm 180 something, what about you shorty?

Melanie: hey!! (as she raised one eyebrow) I'm not THAT short okay!... but I am 164

Lucas: well to me u are (as I smiled). When is your birthday?

Melanie: 23/June , what about you?

Lucas: 13/ January 


Time flew by like bullet I didn't even notice that we missed Derik cutting the cake. 

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