Cassie x F! Reader

572 11 19

Requested by Tordoholic


" Now, Lower your aim down.. And.. There! " Cassie said, You immediately took a deep intake of breath and released the arrow from the bow that you are holding, The arrow swiftly ran and pierced through the air and hit the middle

" Bullseye! " Cassie cheered and hugged you from behind, You blushed and bounced along with the happy hunter

" I.. I did it! " You yelled out and squealed with delight

" Mhm! You did great, Isn't that right Zinx? "
She asked her bird companion who only tilted its head and looked away, As if to tell that it wasn't impressed

" You know, Zinx is much moodier than me. " You commented, Earning a chuckle from the red head

She shrugged " Zinx is always like that. "

Zinx only flew away and landed onto the tree branch, Cautiously watching the two of you

Eventually, There was a karambit that flew past the both of you and immediately hit the tree trunk

" Maeve! No fair! You know I couldn't use my guns since it is prohibited to shoot around! " Talus complained as he watched Maeve prowl around and dashed towards the tree, Retrieving her karambit

" Sorry Kitten~ , Not my fault that you have an awful weapon choice. " She commented and laughed before noticing the two of you

" Hello Cassie and Y/N , How's the training going?~ " She purred as she hid her blades on her waist holders while calmly walking towards the two of you

Talus eventually appeared, Panting heavily and groaning in exhaustion

Cassie giggled and pulled you to her side, Her cheeks red at her sudden action of pulling you to her

" Training's fine! Y/N actually got the eye now! " She cheered

Maeve laughed and cheered as well

" Well, That's good, But I think Y/N would be better at holding blades than shooters. " Maeve commented, Obviously not liking the idea of having weapons that has pulling triggers

" Oh Maeve, You'll get used to the guns. " Cassie said, Ruffling Maeve's pink short hair

" No No No, I would never, Guns are such lazy inventions! , You can just sit there and shoot everyone, Not requiring skills at all! " She protested, Crossing her arms

" Maeve, Just because you've seen Viktor do that, Doesn't me we all do it, Skye have to use her stealth to kill you know, Ash has to use her aims, Lex has to use tactics , Androxus has to use his nether step in order to get a clean kill. " You explained

Maeve sighed and stuck her tongue out, Motioning for Talus to follow her as she began to prowl away

" Ah, Sorry about Maeve, She's like that! " Talus apologized in behalf of Maeve, You chuckled and shook your head

" It is fine, We already knew. " Cassie reassured the kid

He smiled and beamed up, Saluting the two of you before he leaped and skipped the steps, Chasing after Maeve

" Oh well, Maybe soon I can ask Maeve to use her blades, They seem pretty easy to hold and throw. " You explained which made Cassie to fake hurt

" Aww! But I thought you like my bows! " She whined and pouted cutely

You laughed and reached over, Pinching her nose much to her dislike, She swatted your hand away before giggling

She reached over as well, Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before leaning in, Giving your nose a soft peck

" You look stunning as ever, Y/N , You never fail to amaze me. " She whispered and smiled, Earning a blush from you

You giggled and sheepishly smiled, Rubbing your neck as she wrapped her arms around your waist, Pushing you closer and squishing both of your jiggles together

Cassie blushed at this before looking at you with a soft smile, Pecking your lips

" Now, Onto the next training?~ " She asked, Letting go and winking at you before she grabbed her backpack and walked away

You stood there and smiled, Feeling your lips, Feeling Cassie's lips there still and made your heart skip a beat.

Done! Hope it wasn't short haha!

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