chapter one - the bad photo

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"MOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM" she screamed as soon as her attention shifted from the confusion to the crack on her phone.

This was one of the things that would never change and had never changed since the beginning of her time, the year 2000.

No matter how old or wrinkly she got, her first reaction was always to scream mom whenever she was faced with anything good or slightly unfortunate whether she needed her towel, permission to go out, sort out confusions or solutions generally.

"coming...coming...coming.." croaked her mom as she slowly wheeled her way in and turned the corner to enter the living room, "what is it now old lady?" she laughed and then started coughing for inhaling to much air at once.

She rushed as fast as her old little legs could and pat her moms back sneaking a little smile in at her moms attempt at a joke noticing the tone she yelled mom in and knowing that she was feeling confused.

Thats just how moms are, they're super beings who know everything about their kid.

"quick lemme see any picture in your phone gallery. need to test a theory of mine" she said as she straightened up and said, "ooo my back my back my back my bad ow."

"say that 5 times fast" her dad replied entering the room slowly.

"okay fred weasley" she said as they laughed remembering fred and george from the yule ball practice scene.

"hi dad, just trying to figure this out.. my pictures..they've aged."

"well duh. they're old" he replied flatly.

"no I meant..they've literally aged. here, come look" she said moving from her mothers side towards him and thrusting my phone right into his face.

"how do u expect me to read if mg nose is kissing ur screen?! keep it a little further awaaay jeez when will you grow up. you're 80 acting like you're 18 lol" Her Dad joked.

It took a second and he screamed.

"AHHHH tHIS IS A..A...A...DISASTER." He screamed.

"now you get the issue. finallyy" she sighed sinking into the sofa with relief.

"yeah. MY HAIR ISN'T JELLED AND that tie is a total fashion catastrophe, goodness don't let this picture out of the house" He looked horror-stricken and she shot out of the seat as if pinched by a needle from under and trust her, she knows the pain.

"no daaaad, look. we were supposed to be 60 years younger at my grad. we're the age we are right now. thats not right." She replied walking over and clicking on a picture on her mom's phone and screaming.

"oh my god. I was supposed to be a 2 year old crawling!!!! loook!"

Everybody froze.

"okay I never thought I'd see this day coming!"

"Ah! you scared us, when did you get here?"

"oh I dont know sis, prolly when I heard all the commotion and screaming. take a wilddddd guesss sherlock"

"ah geez, again with the sarcasm. waddup?"

"came to tell you the same shizz has been messing my pictures up too. why do you think that's happening?"

"no..the real question many people is this happening to?"

They all look into the distance at the same time in the same direction in sync making a purely coincidental thing appear planned.

"I'm not leaving this until I get to the depth of this issue." She said clenching her little fists and marching purposefully towards her computer and desk.

"Alrighty! but whats for dinner?" Her sister asked again pursing her lips in a questionning manner rubbing her stomach hungrily and making cute eyes. For some reason she never grew out of the 10 year old cute phase, even now at 72.

"oh my god Patricia! we're in the middle of a crisis and that's all you can think of?!" she screeched.

"well jeez Alicia, this motorbike needs regular oiling to function, speaking of oiling did you buy me those chips we spoke about"

"yes." she deadpanned and looked at the corner into the tiny crevice on the ceiling pretending it was a camera.


..? lemme know in the comments?

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