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"Something smells good." Alice comments as she walks into the kitchen.

Mrs. Tate laughs. "You say that every morning."

"And I mean it every morning. Can I help?"

"No you can not, you're a guest, you don't need to lift a finger."

"I feel terrible though, you two are letting me stay here for free, the least I could do is help out around here."

"Were happy to help if it keeps you from going back to your ex." Pop tells her, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Believe me, I would never go back to him, I hate that I spent as much time with him as I did." She sighs. "Staying with FP and Ellie made me realize just how awful my life was before."

"I find nowadays there's less and less genuinely good people, those two are as good as they come."

"Yeah they're pretty great." Alice smiles sadly and feels Pop's hand come to rest on her shoulder.

"You miss him, don't you?" She nods. He locks eyes with his wife across the room and she hands him the phone. "Call him."

"I can't."

"And why not?" Mrs Tate demands.

"Because, he made up his mind, he told me to leave and I'm going to respect his wishes, no matter how much it kills me to be away from him."

"You really fell for him didn't you?"

"Yeah. I didn't mean to it just happened, I mean you've both seen him with his daughter, their relationship is adorable. And speaking of his daughter, she stole my heart. I can't even imagine how she's taking all of this."

"When Gladys left it really did a number on her, I remember FP telling me about it." Pop recalls.

Alice smiles. "You just know the gossip about everyone in this town, huh?"

"Well when you run the best diner in Riverdale you tend to remember certain people. You also tend to gain favourites." He smiles at Alice. "I remember all those nights you'd come into the diner to work late at night, you'd be downing cups of coffee like they were candy."

"It's quiet there at night, it's the best place to clear my head and focus on finishing my articles."

"FP and Ellie would come in all the time too, that kid loves milkshakes."

Alice laughs. "She's definitely got a sweet tooth."

"And I remember when you and FP came in for a date, you had the whole place to yourselves-"

"Well you were there." Alice points out.

Pop chuckles. "I stayed in the back so you two could have some privacy. Though I did see you two dancing," Alice's cheeks blush. "I haven't seen him look at someone like that... ever. And I've known FP a long time, even when he was married to Gladys he never looked at her the way he looks at you."

Alice smiles. "Nice try but I still can't call him." Pop and his wife both let out a sigh. "I put in an offer on an apartment so hopefully I'll be out of your hair soon."

"Hey, we told you you're welcome to stay here as long as you want." Mrs Tate reminds her. "We just don't like seeing you so mopy and sad, we know how much you cared for the two of them."

"I love them. And a part of me thinks FP feels the same but it doesn't matter anymore, I can't turn up and disrupt their life again." She sighs. "I do need to pick up my stuff though."

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