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"Well, what did you say?" Alice grills.

"I said I'd talk to Ellie." He flops down on the couch beside Alice with a sigh.

"What are you going to say to her?"

"I'm going to tell her Gladys reached out and ask if she wants to see her."

"You know she will."

He runs his hand over his face, frustratedly. "Yeah, I know."

"What will you do then?"

"I told Gladys I'd call her back after I talked to Ellie. Guess I'll figure out a plan then."

"How do you feel about it all?"

"I just want my little girl to be happy. If seeing Gladys makes her happy, then I'm fine with it. Doesn't matter my opinion on the matter." He turns to Alice and she's looking at him with concern. "But between you and I? I wish she just would've not called. As horrible as it sounds I wish she never would have called again, I wish she would never try to contact Ellie again."

He sniffles and turns to wipe a tear that slips out of his eyes. "I mean, fuck. She broke my baby's heart once, I can't watch her go through that all again. She was so damn heartbroken when Gladys left, I can't handle seeing her like that again if things don't go the ideal way."

"What's the ideal way?"

"Well, ideally, Gladys would call her a couple times a week, see her throughout the week, maybe take her for the night sometimes on weekends. You know, have a normal mother daughter relationship with her? Well, as normal as you can have after abandoning your fucking kid." He leans his head back against the couch and sighs frustratedly.

"You're a good dad." Alice comforts him, placing a hand on his knee. "Gladys may be a real piece of shit when it comes to parenting but you're there for that little girl, that's what matters. You were there to wipe her tears when Gladys ran off, you were here to comfort her and hold her when her mother broke her heart. She's lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have her. She's the only thing that keeps me sane." He smiles a little. "I swear, just hearing her laugh or seeing her smile can just brighten even my worst day. She's my baby girl, I will never understand how Gladys could just leave her like that."

"You never will be able to understand it, hell I don't understand it. She's the sweetest person I have ever met, I don't know how you just leave her."

"Gladys never was the doting type. She was never very affectionate, I'm not even sure she wanted kids, but once she got pregnant... she wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy, and well I wouldn't of let her put the baby up for adoption. I don't know why I was even surprised when she left."

"You never could've expected it, it's completely bizarre."

"No kidding." He turns to her and takes her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Thanks for talking to me, Alice. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. Any time." She smiles at him, all too aware of his hand holding hers. "I'll let you get some rest, I think you're in for a long day tomorrow."

"Believe me, I'm not looking forward to it." He smiles at her. "Goodnight, Alice."

"Goodnight, FP." And it's only when she stands up from the couch and is out of reach that their hands break contact.


"Daddy." A high pitched voice whispers in his ear. "Daddy." The voice insists. There's a heavy feeling on his chest and he opens his eyes to see Ellie sitting on his stomach smiling at him. "Mornin' daddy!"

"Morning princess, you sleep good?"

"Mhm!" She nods happily.

"Uh, listen El, I need to talk to you ok?"

"You are talking to me daddy." She points out.

"No, I mean... God, you're a smart kid." He sits up and better positions her on his lap so he can look at her. "Your mommy called-"

"Mommy called?"

"Yeah, baby, she did."

"What did she say?"

"She wants to see you." Her eyes grow wide and his stomach drops. "Do you want to see her?"

"Yes, I do daddy! I really, really do want to see mommy!"

"Okay, okay, honey. I'll call mommy and you can see her."

"Oh daddy it's going to be so much fun!"

"You've missed mommy, huh?"

"Yeah, it made me really, really sad when she left, I love mommy!"

"I know you do, baby girl. Tell you what? I'll get you some cereal and then I'll go call mommy, ok?"

"Ok!" She jumps off of his lap and skips towards the kitchen.

The bedroom door opens as he's pouring Ellie a bowl of cereal and Alice walks into the kitchen. "Morning Allie!" Ellie chirps.

"Hi honey, good morning." She smiles at the girl.

"Guess what?"


"Mommy wants to see me!"

Alice's mouth drops open slightly and she looks towards FP. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! Daddy said!"

"That's awesome, sweetheart."

"I'm gonna go call your mommy, you wait here with Allie."

He walks into the bedroom and dials Gladys' phone number. Out in the kitchen Ellie and Alice talk and laugh as they eat breakfast, both waiting for FP to come back out.

"Daddy, daddy! Did you talk to mommy?" Ellie grills as soon as he walks into the kitchen.

He lifts her up into his arms. "Yeah, honey, I did. She's going to pick you up from daycare tomorrow and spend the day with you. I'm gonna pick you up at Pop's afterwards."

"I get to play with mommy and I get a milkshake! This is going to be the bestest!" She squeals, throwing her arms around FP's neck and hugging him tight. "I love you, daddy."

He meets eyes with Alice and swallows hard, pressing a kiss to Ellie's head. "I love you too, honey."

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