Chapter 9: The door in the woods

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Once the door has been open... there is no way of sending the brute back

The brute needs you to open the door. Open the door and your task will be complete. You can move on to a new monster but you don't want to. (Eventually you move on after your task is complete for a new person to be the apprentice) Hell will be unleashed by one man. No, thing. This thing can kill off towns, cities, possibly a whole state. All you have to do is open the door. When you were chosen for a job like this you wanted to protect your family but now remembering the hell they sent you through you don't care about them anymore, you want them to die. Knowing the Brute would make it as horrible as possible you knew that you can't control this monster. As you walk up to the door where the girl sat dead from blood loss one singular tear drips off your face knowing you are going to be the reason there is no such life on Earth. You slowly walk up to the door and brush the dead girl aside. Staring down at her you see she fought bit still ended up losing because you are going to reopen the door. Staring at the handle instead of the girl you place you hand on the goosebump, spine chilling handle but it's hot from the burning sun. You close your eyes at the last moment you will see the Earth full of life, breathing out, you pull open the door to feel a gush of wind blow in your face. Slowly but quickly tears formed and dropped on the body of a girl who wanted to live with happiness and friends. "One day this door shall be closed again, but not today..." Then you walk off to be picked up by a truck and brought back to the palace where you pick your next monster or guardian.

1) Technically an alien 2) Enhanced strength
Everytime you get close to the door you can hear, feel the Brute wanting out.
(I thought I'd start weaknesses)
The Brutes: The door
Yours: Trying not to open the door because you care to much but in the end you end up doing so

If you want any suggestions let me know.

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