I'll only hurt you if you hurt me first...
Terra is a guardian of the Earth. In the only video of her she was water but at the end she turned into fire because her next target didn't fully light out his cigar. If you hurt the Earth in front of Terra you're on her hit list. Take care of what is meant to be taken care of don't disrespect it because Karma can get you in the scariest way possible. And that Karma is Terra. You are her camera. See whom else is killing her. Report back to her and then she'll do her death buisness. You are a murderer. Everyone you've handed over to her you've killed. You may lie to yourself all you want, even go crazy but that will NEVER change the fact of your murder spree. "Anyone new?" She asks. You'll nod every time because you go everywhere. There is always a bad person where you go. Coincidentally you always see them harm the Earth. Coincidence, I think not. It's meant to be. You to continuously kill these people. It's not just for her soon it will be for a bigger project to cleanse the world of the Earth-killing sinners, starting with corrupting a innocent person to be Terra's new pawn. You have killed the first sinner and you will be the last.
1) Terra can turn into any element of Earth. 2) Travel by the elements 3) Talk to humans
You get a power connected to your personage. And your camera given to you by Terra can see more than what you can see.
Crypt TV: Who would you work along side with?
HorrorEvery chapter will introduce a monster from Crypt TV. If you were to work along side any of the monsters or cults who would it be and what would happen. You are given a certain power by whom you've chosen to be with. The monster cannot kill you beca...