Chapter 5

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(3rd Person)

The base of operations for Night Raid could be described in just two words: Hidden Fortress. Literally, when (Y/N) arrived at the base with Night Raid, he never expected what looked like a fortress hidden right underneath a cliff, the only thing he expected which was true was the fact that the fortress was not too far but not close to the Capital itself. It was only about 10km out from the nearest entry point.

(Y/N): I was expecting a camp.

Najenda: Well this is our base of operations, are you complaining?

(Y/N): Complaining? That word would only be in this conversation if you had plans to keep me here.

Najenda: Considering you've seen the base, you'll either decide to live here or drop by for visits.

(Y/N): Most likely the second option. The forest is a good enough place to sleep anyway.

Mine: Good, we've already got on insufferable bastard with us, I don't need another.

Tatsumi: Oh screw off you little punk!

Mine: What was that little boy?

To everyone's amusement, the two carried their argument onwards, they bickered while throwing insults at each other constantly, it even came to the point where everyone saw their hands start reaching for their weapons. With rolling eyes, everyone decided to leave the bickering duo to their own devices.

(Inside the base)

The inside was a combination of many types of structures: a grand hall, a massive meeting area with a built-in table that extended to taking up almost half of the room, an outdoor area which looked like a training grounds, the kind you'd see in royal castles for new guards, an outdoor hot springs that would make any sauna turn green in envy. All of this and plenty more rooms, (Y/N) had no choice but to shake his head approvingly at their living conditions.

Leone: You look satisfied, I thought you were just visiting?

(Y/N): Am I not allowed to appreciate a good home? Then again, you never once complimented my home so I really shouldn't be complimenting yours.

Bulat: But you have to admit, it is a nice place, right?

(Y/N): It is, better than what I expected from rebels. Usually rebels go to places that don't stand out.

Najenda: This place doesn't stand out, we're clearly hidden.

(Y/N): On one side of this cliff maybe, but what happens if someone was walking on the other side? It's natural for curious people to enter an abandoned place.

Sheele: Well, we do have traps that could easily turn intruders the other way... and if not then they die.

Lubbock: With my strings, I can easily tell when someone's approaching so there's no need to worry. And even if intruders find a way past my tripwires, there's still our handmade traps as well.

(Y/N): And what if those traps fail?

Akame: Then I deal with them.

She suddenly pulls her sword out, pointing it straight towards (Y/N)'s nose, but again all she got was a casual stare, not even a flinch.

Akame: My teigu is the deadliest you can find, even the tiniest of cuts from this weapon will put a curse on you, killing you instantly, all I need is one good swing and I can kill intruders as long as they are cut by my teigu.

(Y/N): Sending one of your soldiers out is a bad idea, risks showing your weakness since should you get kidnapped, Night Raid not only loses a member, but they lose a weapon which could kill anyone.

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