Chapter One: Onwards

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"What's up witches." A girl with bright red hair flung her arms around me, having somehow fought through he crowded platform. Kings Cross Station, platform nine and three quarters, September 1st 1989. Nah not 89, 2018. My Heather's loving heart had to put 1989. Anyway, it's 2018 and myself and my friends are starting our sixth year at Hogwarts. Somehow, we're all shocked we passed our O.W.L's last year. Still, it was better than having to attempt a muggle math GCSE.

"Y'alright May? I see you're still going bright red," said the grinning girl I had been standing with. May smirked back.

"Of course, you'll never catch me with any other colour. I love what you two have done with yours though, purple is your colour Zuzanna. Could you get anymore patriotic Harp?" she ran her hands through my hair which made my heart jump a little.

"You know me, I gotta make a statement," I said, attempting to keep my voice stable. Probably failing, but who knows.

A shrill whistle rang signalling 5 minutes until the train was due to leave. My mother pushed through the crowd to me.

"Your stuff is on board now, I gave it to Jacob. Now, you be good." she tapped the end of my nose, the way she does to our cat to tell him off.

"How dare you think I wouldn't be! I'm offended mother, truly offended!" I mocked a very melodramatic offense to what she had said, which in response she just rolled her eyes and pulled me into a hug.

"Misbehave yourself. Don't get caught," she whispered into my ear. I smiled as I pulled away.

"That's the advice I like to hear."

The whistle went off again signalling a minute to go. I gave my mum a quick kiss on the cheek, and ran off to the train. The corridors were full of kids trying to find their friends or empty compartments. A voice suddenly called for me over the crowd.

A tall boy with kind face smiled at me from a compartment door. I fought my way to him and fell into the small room, where May and Zuzanna were already sat, waving at their parents. My mum was stood with them, and she started waving when she saw me. The conductor blew his whistle one last time and the train started pulling away.

"So ladies, how was your summer?" Jakub asked.

The four of launched into what we had achieved or not achieved over the summer. Jakub signed a contract for a quite a large modelling company. Zuzanna visited family in Zimbabwe. May and I completed NCS, a muggle activity thing we both loved. And as usual, we all did some regrettable things, but since we were now all sixteen, those "things" weren't pranks...

"Your cousin's best friend! Zuz you can't be serious!"

"What, its not like I'm gonna see him again, he lives in Zimbabwe. But if I ever go back, goddam I'm getting it!"

"Terrible behavior Zuzanna, truly terrible. Go on May, tell them about the girl on NCS!" I somehow managed to dodge a chocolate frog box that came zooming past my ear, hitting the maroon seat cushion behind me, when the compartment door opened. A gangly blonde boy with braces filling his smiling mouth entered the compartment.

"Tyler!" May shrieked, jumping up into his arms. While they were busy gripping to each other (their height difference made the whole thing a bit odd), Zuzanna and I exchanged looks. Hers read "is that who she slept with?" to which I shook my head in response.

"She did say girl Zuz. Tyler is quite clearly not a girl." Jakub said loudly, not realising we were attempting to be inconspicuous. A sharp swat with a book met the back of my head. Protest and explanation went ignored as May said goodbye to Tyler, and sat back down in mock annoyance.

"Nope I'm not telling you a thing now. What about your NCS Harper?"

Three pairs of expectant eyes turned to stare at me. Giving them a smirk, I performed an overdramatic stretch and sank back into my seat.

"I simply don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh shut up Harper, why don't you tell them?" May protested, clearly she wanted to hear the story again.

"Aight fine, I'll spill the tea sisters! I met a guy in our team, sweet thing, very innocent. Not so innocent anymore mind but... Things happen. And if you must know, his name was Samuel and no I'm not staying in touch, I told him I was going back to a boarding school that doesn't allow phones so not to bother staying in touch. Happy now, May Webster?"

"Harper Lucy Fleetwood! Stop corrupting the innocent!" Jakub exclaimed, shocked but smiling. Clearly I'd done him proud.

We spent the rest of the journey chatting about summer, boys, girls, music and all the other usual catching up topics there were. Finally we arrived in Hogsmead train station literally as we had just finished changing into our robes, Zuzanna and I adorned in green, May and Jakub glowing in yellow.

The four of us trundled to the carragies that drove themselves (they were rumoured to be drawn by thestrals, but no one was unlucky enough to know for certain), and soon Hogwarts was towering over us in the looming dark, the yellow lights from the windows glowing like stars against the black sillohette of the grand castle.

It was good to be home at last.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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