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【chapter one ✧ corruption】


HER HANDS STARTED TO SWEAT UP from the consistency of the ball bouncing off the ground and into her grip. Three girls from the opposite team stood in the center and posts. There defense were weak ,scrawny and uncoordinated. Five seconds was placed fittingly on the clock as she reversed on the girl in the center and pushed the ball upwards with her finger tips into the basket. Both of the girls came in to try to defense her but instead made her fall to the ground. She closed her eyes praying to god it went in. After a small silence the crowd roared victory as Alanih Davidson made the last shot, winning the game by fifty six to thirty two. She opened her eyes and smiled as her team mates helped her up with a victorious smiles.

Erin ran over to her from the other end of the court and giggled with happiness and excitement. "You fucking did it girl!"She yelled.

Alanih shook her head while jumping up and down. The sweat from her forehead flung everywhere while her hair bounced. "No we did it Erin, we did!"She laughed then embraced her best friend in a tight, warming hug.

The whole team came in for a massive group hug, not minding the sweat dripping off of their body's. They had just won state champion, and are now number one in the district. This was a night for them to remember. All their hard work finally paid off, as they reached the endgame of the year. They all got into a circle in the middle of the court with dirty looks coming from their opponents.

"Panthers! Panthers! Whats our pride?"The coach said maneuvering his way into the middle of all the tall, hard working, muscular girls.

"V-I-C-T-O-R-Y,"the team yelled at the top of their lungs as the stomped on the ground. The whole gymnasium echoed as the girls did their chant.

The team made their way to the benches with happy chatter, and headed towards the bus. The driver has been sitting there for hours waiting for the girls to come back with good news. The girls hopped on laughing and talking their ass off. Surprisingly the bus driver didn't shush them so she can focus on the road.

Dalia, number fifteen on the court, threw all her things on her seat. She plopped down with a huff and sighed. "You seen that big ass girl that pushed me,"She said trying to get comfortable in her seat.

"Hah, atleast you passed it to me before it was too late,"Erin smiled as she put all her bags in the overhead bin. Dalia just scoffed and looked at her jokingly while plugging her ear buds in.

"Whats going on with you,"Erin asked Alanih while sitting right next to her. Alanih looked at her and smiled. "Yeah Im just tired,"She replied simply.

"I would think that the all star player would be up and awake,"Erin teased as she lifted her legs up and rested her feet on top of the seat in front of them. "Ha ha real funny," Alanih sarcastically chuckled at her words.

Erin smiled then plugged in her earbuds and listen to Joji. She hummed to the beat of SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK. The whole bus was quiet as they made their way towards the empty freeway. The lights were off, and snores can be heard from every angle of the bus. Erin felt her nerves explode at the eeriness outside the window. A black camaro pulled up on her side of the bus. It drove slowly, but coordinated to the vehicle she was in. Erin scrunched her eyebrows together at the strange auto mobile as it slowly rolled down its window. As it did that another vehicle on the opposite side of the bus pulled up and rolled its window down. Erin quickly unplugged her earphones and tried to shake Alanih awake. There was a shiny silver glare the came from inside the dark and brooding window.

Erin stared wide eyed with her jaw expanding slowly. "They got a gun!"She yelled, prolonging the word gun.

Everyone shook awake at the word gun and ducked down. The cars beside them shot the window causing to fall inward making the sharp glass cut the girls. They all yelled and scream as pain went through their entire bodies. The bus driver swerved while getting a clean shot to the head. The bus fell down the highway and onto the street under it. The bus spinned and flipped, shaking the girls inside. They tried to hold on to something, but most slipped upwards. Once the bus landed upside down after what felt like hours, it turned quiet and peaceful. Blood was all on the ceiling along with other things. Alanih groaned as she laid flat on her back and opened her eyes and was greeted to a gruesome image. Her team mates were splattered everywhere. Dalia's body hung from the window sill with her leg half chopped off. Others were smashed to death by the seats that fell.

Sirens were heard in the distance as Alanih turned her throbbing head. She seen Erin trying to sit up while crying. Alanih sighed in relief that she wasn't alone anymore. Erin turned her head with horror as she seen the blood dripping from every corner.

Erin looked over towards Alanih, and started to sob as she seen her bestfriend laying in a pool of her own blood."Alanih I can't feel my leg,"she cried out.

"It'll be okay, i promise,"Alanih cried while hearing the sirens getting closer every second. Alanih felt herself on the breaking point of passing out.

She turned her head and seen police officers charge in. Their bright white lights,coming off the flashlights, was the last thing Alanih seen before she blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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