Chapter 1

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It was 9 at night, the rain was dripping down my window and I was crying. Gray, everything was gray. The clouds, my life, just everything to me was gray. A few days ago my dad and mom decided to move because they needed more job offers, and they were running out of money fast. There were many unique suggestions my mom made so that we won't lose so much money. She said I should be kicked out of the house since I was such a shameless little burden. But finally my dad decided we should just move so if the police found me, they wouldn't lose more money than the already had lost. So about one week ago we moved to California, my older sister Madison wasn't happy. Losing friends made her quiet mad, on the other hand I was perfectly find with this move. Why? because I didn't have any friends, my mom isolated me away from everyone because she said the world is a dark place. That if I stepped out into the world I would get killed, that everyone hates me and they would try to kill me. So without any arguing i agreed with her and never talked to anyone, the farthest I was allowed to get out of my house was the front yard. To take out the trash of course, I had all the chores in the house. I washed the dishes everyday, I cooked food every day, I cleaned every room every day, and folded and washed the laundry, and of course I took out the trash. Madison doesn't have any chores, my parents say she is prettier and smarter than me so she doesn't get any. And they are right while I have a dirty blonde hair that I never bothered to wash, Madison had silky long black hair that she washes 24/7. And while I have dull green eyes Madi has blue beautiful crystal eyes. She looks nothing like me and she doesn't talk to me accept to tell me to clean her room or do the laundry.

I start crying again, just 3 hours ago my mom made me kneel in rice. My knees hurt like crazy, but that punishment was better than her others.

I am going outside to night I will prove to my mom and myself that the world isn't as scary as she says it is. I'll live in an old abandoned house I saw yesterday. Picking up my yellow old rain coat I grabbed my bag, a few books, and a change of clothes to last

at least 3 days. Tying my hair in a bun I opened up my window carefully and quietly climbed down the huge tree. With a light thud I made it to the bottom and started jogging, I don't know how far away that house is but I am going no matter what. As I wipe the water off my face forgetting to look where I am going i carelessly crash into metal trash bins.

As I am rubbing the spot on my head that bumped into the trash I hear a deep voice. "Hello, is anyone there?" Oh no what was I thinking coming out here? That could be one of those axe murders that my mom told me about."Are you okay?" He is getting closer! I am going to die my mom was right what was I thinking? I start hyperventilating and before I know it...the world turns black. Slowly and then all at once.

What do you guys think so far? Yes,if you read the academy you would know I changed the name from Marie to Madison, I just didn't want to get in any kind of trouble where someone could think I was copying The Academy all in total. But I did want meeting the boys how C.L had planned it. I might change how she met a few people but more will be kept the same than changed. THIS BOOK IS ORIGINALLY MADE BY C.L STONE, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE A FANFIC. A LOT OF CREDIT but not all since I changed a few things GOES TO HER!

Love You Lots

~Bluestar4u 💙

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