Part 2

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Lauren's pov
We were all getting off the plane and walking to Simons limo and once again Simon had to help me on the stairs. Simons driver opened the door for all of us, Carol got in first, followed by me, Andrew and finally Simon. "Can I move I get car sick when my I'm not facing the road" Carol said looking at Andrew as if it was his car and he actually had anything say in what happens in this car, "I'm sure Lauren wouldn't mind swapping with you. Right Lauren" Andrew smiled, bastard, "Yeah" I said putting on my best fake smile, "thank you" Carol smiled. Have you ever tried swapping places with a person sitting directly opposite you in a limo? No, well don't try it, it's extremely difficult especially when your husband helps the other person and leaves you to try get to the other side by yourself, "shit" I whispered losing my footing and nearly falling but a pair of hands pulling me into the persons lap stopped me from falling, "You okay?" Simon asked not letting go of my waist, "y-yeah, thank you" I stuttered blushing, "Whys my wife in your lap Simon?" Andrew asked looking angry beyond belief, I quickly moved out of his lap and into the seat next to him, "because she was falling so I did the job you should've done and helped her" Simon said, I had to try and hold back my laugh when Andrew went speechless and kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

When we got to Simons vacation home on the beach, it was already dark so we decided to go out to eat. I was getting ready in the room when Andrew came in looking royally pissed off, "what was that!?" Andrew whispered yelled, "What?" I asked confused, "you sat in his lap, are you trying to make me look bad?" Andrew whispered yelled, "Like he said before he was helping me because you were to busy helping your fuck buddy, so I'm sorry that you made yourself look bad!" I yelled finally having enough of him, "Keep your fucking voice down!" Andrew shouted slapping me, "You aren't coming out tonight, you will say you are sick, do you understand me?" Andrew said threw gritted teeth as I fell to the ground holding onto my cheek, tears streaming down my face, "Do you understand me?!" Andrew whispered yelled again, I nodded crying harder, "Good" Andrew spat walking out the room in a huff, he was a horrible husband but this was the first time he had ever hit me before, I walked to the bathroom still in tears and washed my face.
Simons pov
I heard Lauren and Andrew shouting while I was getting changed and cringed knowing that dinner would now be extremely awkward. Once I slipped my shoes on I made my way downstairs and was shocked to see just Andrew and Carol standing there, "where's Lauren?" I asked confused, "She said she is feeling sick and that we must just go and have fun" Andrew said, "oh okay" I said reluctantly "let's go!" Carol said excitedly, "yeah let's" Andrew smiled walking out the room, I looked down the hallway to the area where the couple was staying finding it suspicious that she suddenly felt sick after their fight but the sound of the two of them getting into my car and slamming the doors bought me out of my thoughts and reminded me that they were waiting.
It was the middle of dinner and a mix between Carols laugh, Andrew being rude to the waiter was both pissing me off and giving me a headache, "So Simon, where's your girlfriend?" Carol asked acknowledging me for the first time since she got on my plane, "he doesn't have one" Andrew grinned answering for me, "lucky for you then. You must get a lot of girls" Carol said biting her lip as she looked me up and down, "I guess" I said getting really uncomfortable while Andrew glared at me and Carol ran her leg up mine under the table, "so where are you from?" I asked clearing my throat as I pushed her leg away from me, "New York" Carol said moving her leg back up but this time rubbing my crotch with her shoe clad foot, 'what the fuck is happening?' I thought to myself as I tried moving her foot, "What the hell is happening over there?" Andrew asked pissed off before trying to look under the table to see what was happening, "Nothing Andy" Carol smiled innocently as she quickly moved her foot, he looked up at me suspiciously and I just shrugged, "do you guys want to go to a club after this?" Carol asked, I watched as she moved her hand to Andrews inner thigh as her foot returned to my lap, "yeah, let's" Andrew smiled, 'fucking pig' I thought to myself when he made no effort to move her hand, "I just want to go back and sleep but you guys can go" I said moving her foot again but to no avail as her foot was back again "Come on join us Simey" Carol said rubbing her foot even harder against me to the point that it was starting to hurt, "Please don't call me Simey, and can you please move your foot from dick" I said annoyed shoving it off me, "Sorry" Carol said embarrassed, "thank you" I said softly, "can I pay or do you guys want something else?" I asked wanting to stop the awkward silence that took over, "you can pay" Andrew said before Carol could say anything, I nodded and payed for the meal and gave our waiter a generous tip and an apology for my 'friends' being extremely rude to him.

I got out the taxi and was happy to be back at home away from the other two as they actually went to the club, I have to admit I feel really bad for Lauren especially after what I saw at that dinner, I walked into the house and saw Lauren sleeping on the sofa, I quietly walked over to her and as I got closer to her I noticed the tear tracks on her face, "Lauren" I whispered trying to wake her up, she stirred, "Lauren, get up" I said a little louder, "babe" Lauren whispered gripping my shirt, "It's Simon, not Andrew" I said letting her hold my shirt, she opened her eyes and jumped as she looked at me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I said softly, "it's fine just didn't expect to see you" Lauren whispered sitting up and letting go of my shirt, a light blush spread over her cheeks, "Sorry about grabbing your shirt like that" Lauren said softly as she looked down, "don't worry about, it I preferred it to what happened to me at dinner" I sighed sitting next to her, "what happened at dinner?" Lauren asked confused, "Carol took a sudden liking too me and tried to give me a foot job under the table" I said softly, "you must have enjoyed that" Lauren joked hitting my side, "I hated it, I kept trying to push her foot away but she just wouldn't leave me alone" I chuckled catching her fist when she went for another punch, "so basically she sexually assaulted you?" Lauren asked becoming serious, "I mean yeah I guess, but she did stop when I told her to" I said softly, "but not when you tried pushing her away" Lauren said softly, I nodded, "Are you okay?" She asked touching my chest softly, "I'm fine, not the first time this type of thing has happened to me. Are you okay?" I asked, "why wouldn't I be?" Lauren asked confused, "well, it looks like you've been crying and no offense but your husbands a massive dick" I said softly, "that he is, but isn't he your friend?" Lauren asked, "He has changed a lot since the last time I was around him" I said, "So were you crying?", "where are they?" Lauren asked trying to change the topic, "they went to a club, you don't have to tell me why you were crying, I just want to know that you are okay" I said softly, "I'll be fine Simon, don't worry about me" Lauren whispered looking away, when she looked away I noticed that her cheek was a little blue and swollen, "Lauren? Has Andrew ever hit you?" I asked worriedly, "What! No of course not!" Lauren shouted facing me again, "why would you ever think that?!" Lauren shouted, "your cheek is bruised and swollen" I said gently, "I fell!" Lauren lied, I gave her a look that said I know she is lying but didn't say anything else about it, "I'm going to bed, goodnight Simon" Lauren said quickly getting up as tears sprung to her eyes, "Lauren wait, I'm sorry if I over step with my questions, I just really care about you" I said grabbing her hand as she tried to walk away, "it's fine, please let me go" Lauren begged her tears already falling, "I can't, not when you are crying like this" I whispered pulling her body into mine, at first she struggled but after awhile she hugged me back and started to cry against my chest as she confessed everything to me about their relationship.

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