Dawn walked down 7th street. She was heading to the bookshop to see her twin sister, Dusk. She was two blocks away when a scraggly looking man in the world stood in her way.
"Hey there baby, where are you off to?" The man said, obviously drunk, but Dawn ignored him and walked away. This ticked him off, he grabbed her waist and so she couldn't move.
"Don't touch me. Or you will pay a price" Dawn growled. If it was a miracle, Dusk turned the corner and saw them. "HEY! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" Dusk yelled, throwing a rock at him. The rock hit the man's temple. Dawn tore off towards the trees when he pulled out a gun. "Holy sheet of paper." Dusk squeaked and took off after her sister.
The man tore off after them, yelling, deep into the woods. Dawn and Dusk jumped over fallen trees and ducked under branches in unison. They reached a massive tree and leaned against it. "I think we lost him." Dawn said, putting a hand to her forehead.
Then the man came into view. "Dear sugar honey iced-tea." Dusk groaned. She grabbed a rock and raised her arm to throw it but out of nowhere, a axe struck him in the head.
"Sweet saints." Dusk jumped. Dawn laughed and pointed to Toby. "You shouldn't have let him follow you." Toby scolded.
"Yeah, yeah. But we could have handled ourselves." Dawn retorted "You are such a worry-wart."
"I think what Dawn is trying to say is: 'Thank you Toby for being our knight in shining armor'." Dusk said in a high pitched voice, pushing Dawn aside. Dawn blushed furiously. "No that is not what I meant, Dusk!" Dawn said angrily at her sister and turned to Toby. "And you," She pointed, "Stop bossing us around!"
Toby was their childhood friend and always worried about them. But Dawn would never dare tell him she had a deep crush on him. "You're so cute when you're mad" Toby said and turned. Dawn turned as red as a ripe tomato, making Dusk laugh. "Let's go to Slendy's Palace." Dawn said jumping up and down. Toby chuckled and said something quietly. "Whatcha say?" Dusk asked Toby. " N-nothing" Toby said. They walked to Slendy's house silently.
When they got there and opened the door, the lights were off. "Hello? Anyone home?" Dawn called out. When no one answered she shrugged and turned to the couch. Then everyone jumped up, "SURPRISE!"
Dawn and Dusk jumped and yelped. They then turned and glared at them. "Oh no." Jack said. "Did we scare you to much?"
hi their i'm animeus12 here to seen a helpful thanks to lemonbunny and my friends how helps me with my book so plz like.