Prett · · · 20

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The day was long and Prett missed the water. She wanted to jump into Zellaphin's waves but she couldn't do that with Oprhyn.

At three putes old, the boy knew how to swim but Prett also knew that he could never make it through the bay. He just wasn't strong enough yet, so they had to walk along the beach, something Prett had never done until just recently. Jungle and rocks stood in their way but they made it through, walking zons in order to get to their part of the beach. Prett was used to it though when she came to see Tollin every pute with Ophryn on her back.

"Come, Ryn," she said, motioning for him to come as her old tree hideout was in view.

Prett also knew that Cossandra was about to leave the nest, her little home in the tree. The baby wolfa was now large, bigger than her parents. Farnodda and Morcandan were now old and barely left their den and when they did, it was only for food.

Cossandra ran up to Prett, not saying anything. Prett watched the wolfa nuzzle Ophryn and lick his face. The boy laughed as he pushed her away, accidentally punching her in the eye. Cossandra didn't seem to mind and made a sound in the back of her throat that was probably her version of a laugh.

Next to the den, Prett stopped Tollin. Since Ophryn barely knew Tollin, he didn't run to him as Prett had pictured. Instead, Ophryn grabbed her finger along with Cossandra's fur and hid behind her, stepping on the back of her dress.

"It's okay, Ryn," Prett soothed, stroking her son's head full of fluffy, brown curls, just like Tollin if he let his grow wild. "It's only daddy."

"Daddy?" Ophryn seemed to ask quietly, still learning his Wanish at three putes.

Prett nodded. "He's here to take you home. To your real home."

Ophryn stopped in his tracks, pulling his mother back. "But...," he started to say, pointing back to the way they came, "that's real home."

Prett shook her head. She could feel tears coming to her eyes as she bent down to look her son in the eyes. Prett knew she couldn't cry though. Not now. She had to be strong for Ophryn. It became even harder when his tears started to let loose.

"Not anymore," she replied softly. "Ophryn, honey, you won't remember this moment, but... I love you. And no matter what happens, Casta will no longer be your home but your real home is here." Prett took his little teal hand and placed it over her heart. "Right here," she repeated, holding in her tears.

"No!" Ophryn cried, stomping his feet on the ground. "No! I don't want to go. Stay! Please!"

Prett shook her head again and looked to the sand. "I'm sorry, Ryn. I'll... I'll see you soon."

Behind her, Tollin dropped the small wetsuit and helmet. He whispered something into Prett's mind, though she could barely. It was probably either it will be okay or I love you. He gave Prett a quick peck on the cheek and when he went to pick Ophryn up, Prett moved to give her husband a hug.

Ophryn cried more when her hand left his, but Prett didn't care. She needed to be in Tollin's arms. He smelled like salt, sweat, and freshly washed hair. He smelled clean, but also dirty and Prett didn't mind.

"Take care of him, please," she whispered, more of an order than a request.

In Tollin's response, he squeezed her tighter, lifting her small body off of the ground. "Always," he said. Setting her back down, his lips touched hers, mouthing the words, "I love you."

Prett did the same and pressed forward to kiss him. The kiss wasn't as long as she would have liked, but it was long enough when Tollin finally let go and scooped up their crying kid. Ophryn squirmed in his strong, muscular arms and Prett waved a goodbye.

She only let herself had one tear slip before she slid into the waves. Prett had taken the long way to the beach, and on the way back, free of a little child's burden, she would swim across the bay.

The waters seemed stronger than before. Prett had to fight her dear Zellaphin twice as hard than she ever had before. She wanted to scream at it but was unable to because if she did she would be swept away.

Only halfway across, Prett could feel her energy giving away. She could feel herself starting to slip when she gasped as a huge wave rolled over her.

Everything went black, her head pounding from the massive hit. Prett's heart seemed to skip a beat as her ears popped, her body swirling back and forth in the tide. Her lungs seemed to expand, unable to hold her breath.

Prett tried to reach the surface. To her, it looked as if it was only zas away. She sunk farther to the bottom of Zellaphin, her lungs couldn't take it anymore. She gulped in water as her eyes started to close.

Just before she fell unconscious, Prett was able to connect with her husband's mind, his voice screaming her name.

Tollin..., her voice whispered. You promised. Take care... of my... little... Ryn...

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