722 20 10

I sit at the counter of the old, and rustic record shop and read my novel. I hear the bell chime and I place my bookmark in my book.

"Oi! Y/N!" I hear an Australian accent call out. I see the fluffy haired boy paired with a young woman and with chad.

"What's up?" I smile and get up.

"This place is so cool, it's so vintage." Says Kat looking around in amusement.

"This is pretty cool." Chad comments.

Kat picks up the book I've been reading and examines it.

"Do you sell props here too?"

Chad asks. He has a beautiful Australian accent as well.

"Um yea, we actually have a second hand section over there" I point to the area. He smiles and walks away.

"Y/n this is my girlfriend Kat, and Kat this is y/n" he introduces us. She holds out her hand and we shake.

"Nice to meet you. By the way, this place is so cool." She smiles brightly.

"Nice to meet you too and thanks" I reply

"So have you spoken to George?" Max asks.

Honestly, I took him being so straightforward with a bit of shock, not expecting Max to ask about him.

George. I haven't seen or spoken to him at all since the day he cheated on me. I keep his music on repeat. I can't help but want to listen to his voice. It's like honey dripping down my throat and soothing my stomach. The raw emotions poured into his music reflects him. The honey in my belly melts once it hears his voice playing. So sweet and so sticky.

I will admit I have shed many tears over this week. I've shed an ocean of salty tears, and George floating between the waves. The waves of despair.

One thing I feel that I have learned is that bees may make sweet honey, but they sting.

I fiddle with my fingers. "No"

"I heard what happened I'm so sorry." Kat comments

I nod showing I am thankful for her sympathy, with that chad is making his way to the front with a bag of random crap, pipes, fake mustaches, some weird missing pieces from costumes, and more strange items. All of this stuff is from the owners crap that he wants to get rid of, so he throws it into a few bags and sets a price.

"Yo, this would be awesome for some videos" chad points at the bag showing it to Max.

"Yea, what the fuck, is that a binkie?" He laughs looking at a very large pink pacifier.

"Want me to ring that up for you?" I ask.

"Hell yea" chad says and hands me the bag. I ring it up. He scratches his beard and pulls out his wallet.

"Here you go" He hands me a card.

"Yo, so are you coming to Australia too?" He asks me.

"Huh?" I question him, I don't know why I would be going to Australia, I have barely any money to pay my rent these days.

"Why?" I put his bag of crap in one of our paper bags with the stores name on it.

"Didn't George buy you a ticket?" He asks.

"Um, George and her are kind of not really together right now." Max clears up.

"Then why did he buy her a ticket?" He grabs the bag and his card.

"I'm sorry, but why didn't he tell me?" I ask.

Max scratches the back of his neck in an awkward way, "it was going to be a surprise, but then you guys broke up. I don't know what he's gonna do with the other ticket."

"Hm, he can always refund it." I say taking a seat. I say it so much certainty, but my stomach begins to feel queasy. He bought a ticket to Australia for me, for us. I was going to go on a trip to one of the countries I've always wanted to visit.

I've never been out of country before and he knew that. He knows I always wanted to travel and it was going to be my first big trip. He knew that I would squeal I'm excitement and I would feel euphoric throughout my entire being.

He knew it would make me incredibly happy.

"Man, I was really happy you were coming. You sure you don't wanna come? If I know George he probably still had the ticket." Max states.

"Yea, you don't have to hang out with George, I mean he'll be around but your our friend" Chad chimes in. This makes me feel really welcome. My bellyache disappears.

"Thanks guys, but I have to be at work. If not I'll go homeless." I smile at them.

Australia is a dream, but I can't.

I can't face George just yet.


Hey guys, I'm posting a chapter per day to really make up for miles absence and I have a lot of spare time on my hands.

So, I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Like and comment <3

Also hey miles here, I do realize I fucked up the chapter numbering im just too lazy to fix it thanks

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