Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

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"No Steve I am not your messenger give Nancy the note
yourself," I scoffed putting my algebra book back into
my locker.

 "No Steve I am not your messenger give Nancy the noteyourself," I scoffed putting my algebra book back intomy locker

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"Come on Ali, please," My best friend, Steve begged
leaning dramatically against the lockers. I bit my lip
ignoring the twinge of jealousy I was currently
feeling. I looked into the small mirror of my locker
and fixed my long brown hair.
"Fine, but only because you're annoying as hell" I
grabbed the note from his hand.
"You can never say no to this handsome face" he teased.
If only he knew how true that was. I closed my locker,
he threw his arm around my shoulder and we started
walking down the hall together.
"So you really like her then?" I asked looking down at
the floor.
"I mean I think I do, she's just different ya know?
Special," He said smiling.
"Ali, that freak, Jonathan Byers, is looking for you,"
Carol told me as her and Tommy walked over their arms
wrapped around each other. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Don't call him a freak, he's my friend" I defended
Jonathan immediately, I didn't understand why everyone
hated him. He was one of my closest friends.
"Why are you always defending him, do you like him or
something?" Steve asked rolling his eyes.
"Why do you care?" I asked annoyed that we had to have
this conversation every-time I talked to or about
Jonathan. He was convinced that I had a crush on him.
"You're my best friend, duh."
I shrugged Steve's arm off of my shoulder and walked
away from the small group of people who had already
moved on from the subject of my friendship with
Jonathan Byers.

I walked down the hall toward the locker of Nancy
Wheeler. She and her friend, Barbara, were facing the
lockers unable to see me coming.
"If you become friends with Tommy H. or Carol O. that's
gross!" Her friend exclaimed.
"I would never!" Nancy giggled.
"Well what about Allison? She's way too attached to
Steve, if you ask me," Barbara said.
"She's nice Barb come on, he told me they're just best
friends" Nancy defended halfheartedly.
"Gee thanks Barbara," I said making my presence known.
Barbara looked like a deer caught in the headlights as
I stared her down.
"Well I just came over to deliver this note to you
Nancy, but I better go back to clinging to Steve now,"
I handed her the note and walked away from the two
shocked girls.
I checked my watch and saw that I should probably start
walking to class, but instead I walked the opposite
direction on my way to find Jonathan. When I finally
saw him the late bell had already rung. I grabbed his
arm and started pulling him down the hall.
"Ali, what are you doing?" He asked.
"The bell already rang and my dad will kill me if I get any more detention," I pulled him into the nearest bathroom. We stopped by the door. I was against the wall and he was standing in front of me.

"Will's missing," He said running his hand through his hair frantically.
"What do you mean? Will's missing what?" I asked furrowing my brows.
"No Ali, we don't know where he is, he didn't come home last night" Jonathan teared up.
"Oh no. Maybe he stayed the night with one of the boys" I tried to comfort him by wrapping my arms around him tightly.

He hugged me back just as tightly, letting a few tears
Two people threw the door open coming into the bathroom
quickly giggling loudly. The door hit Jonathan pushing
us back into the wall, my arms still wrapped around
The two people stopped at the door and I finally saw
that it was Steve and Nancy.
"Oh, sorry," Nancy said glancing between Jonathan and
I. I unwrapped my arms from around Jonathan realizing
what we must have looked like.
"Just friends, huh?" Steve asked scoffing.
"Steve, it's not like that," I said quickly.
"Whatever Allison," Steve rolled his eyes and walked
out of the bathroom. I went to follow him but then I
remembered what Barbara had said in the hallway. Maybe
I was too clingy
The three of us stood in the bathroom awkwardly looking
at each-other.
"Sorry again," Nancy said and left the bathroom.
I made a mental note to call Steve to explain later and
looked back to Jonathan, "We have to talk to the
I left school an hour early and I walked quickly to the
middle school, following the familiar route to the AV
club room where I had spent many afternoons with the
boys and Jonathan while Steve was at basketball
"Hey guys," I said pushing the door of the AV room open
to see Mike, Dustin, and Lucas playing with some type
of radio.
"Ali!" They exclaimed running over to hug me.
"I missed you guys! You haven't let me play D&D in
forever" I looked around frowning when I didn't see

"You're always hanging out with Nancy's stupid
boyfriend you never listen the walkie anymore" Mike
explained sadly.
"Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, may I borrow Michael,
Lucas and Dustin? You better come too, Ms. Hopper" The
principal of the middle school said, coming into the AV
The principal led us to his office where the four of us
were sat in front of the police.
"Shouldn't you be at school Allison," my dad, the
police chief, asked when we were all sat in front of
"I'm sorry dad, I was looking for Will," I explained to
him frowning.
"Okay, okay, okay," He nodded, "You need to go home
Ali. No investigating, no searching the woods. Do you
I began to protest, "Dad, ple-"
"Chief please we need her," Lucas spoke up.
"No Allison, go home let me handle this," He said firmly.

I nodded sadly. Walking out of the office giving the boys one last sad smile and wave. My dad and I used to be really close, but ever since my sister died he was different. He was colder, more distant, but at least he didn't up and leave like my mom.
A few hours later I was in my room trying to study for
a chem test I had the next day.
"Lucas, do you copy? It's Mike," I looked up from my
homework when I heard the voice come through on my
walkie talkie.
"Lucas?" Mike asked again when no one answered.
"Hey, it's Lucas."
"I know it's you. And say "over" when you're done
talking so I know when you're done. Over."

"I'm done; Over," Lucas called. I rolled my eyes at the
young boys.
"I'm worried about Will. Over." My heart ached for
them. Losing their best friend had to have hurt. Sure
Steve was a jerk but I would be lost without him.
"Yeah. This is crazy. Over." Lucas responded.
"I was thinking Will could've cast Protection last
night, but he didn't, He cast Fireball; Over." I
furrowed my brows. Why was Mike talking about a game?
Did they forget I was on this channel?
"What's your point? Over," Lucas asked.
"My point is he could've played it safe, but he didn't.
He put himself in danger to help the party. Over."
Lucas didn't respond.
"Meet me in ten. Over and out," Mike called.
I ran to my window looking to see if my dad's police
truck was in the driveway. He wasn't home yet. I threw
on one of Steve's old hoodies, I couldn't let the kids
go on a rescue mission alone, especially in the woods
at night.
I rode my bike quickly to Mirkwood getting soaked by
the rain. I had the walkie in the large pocket of my
"Hey, guys. You feel that? I think maybe we should go
back," Dustin said on the walkie sounding pretty
freaked out. I don't blame him.
"No, We're not going back." Mike called on the walkie,
clearly annoyed, "Just stay close."
"Come on," Lucas agreed.
"Just stay on channel six," Mike said.
I parked my bike and hid behind a few trees waiting for
the boys.
"Hey, guys, wait up," Dustin called as Mike and Lucas
walked ahead of him, "Wait up! Guys, I really think we
should turn back."

I decided to step out from behind the trees with my arms crossed, "Yeah guys I think you should turn back." All three boys turned around and screamed, Lucas pulled out his slingshot.

"Calm down, its just me," I said frowning.
"Shit Ali," Dustin yelled trying to catch his breath. "You guys shouldn't be out here alone. You heard my dad."
"Seriously Ali? We need to find Will we can't leave a member of the party." Mike told me.
"Fine but I'm coming with you," I decided pushing my rain soaked hair out of my face.
"We wouldn't have it any other way," Dustin stated walking a little too close to me.
We walked a little further before Dustin spoke up again, "I still think we should head back."

"You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas cried.
"I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin defended.
"No, you're just being a big sissy!"
"Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?" Dustin ranted.
"Dustin, shut up," I said hearing something walking
toward us.
"I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?" Dustin
turned to me.
"Shut up," I said louder this time looking around, "Did
you guys hear that?"
The kids all huddled closer to me. We all turned around
quickly and gasped. Mike shined his flashlight forward
and we saw a young girl, around the boys age. She was
cold and wet, I knew we couldn't leave her there.

 She wascold and wet, I knew we couldn't leave her there

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