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MARGO ROBERTS had always been a sociable human being

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MARGO ROBERTS had always been a sociable human being. Even at the age of four, her magnetic personality just pulled everyone in. As not only was Margo outgoing, she was smart, adventurous, and overflowing with such curiosity. Already an intellectual at such a young age, Margo was spitting out different dinosaur species from various time periods as if she had swallowed an encyclopedia.

By the time Margo was five, she had a new environment to explore— kindergarten. Margo's parents already knew their daughter would have no trouble making new friends. It was Margo's first day, and she had already met her teacher before entering her new classroom. Mrs. Diaz had told her she could sit anywhere she wanted, as it gave the kids free range to pick a spot from one of the three long tables and maybe find a friend or two.

Usually, an outgoing child like Margo would stumble over to the other rowdy girls and boys, who were knocking over each others building blocks and playing with stuffed animals on the tabletops. But, for some odd reason, Margo's legs led her to a brunette haired boy, who was putting together a puzzle on his own.

He was sitting at the very end of the first table, near the shelves full of books and toys. Margo approached him, tapped the boy on his shoulder, and graced him with a small closed-lip smile.

"Hi! My name is Margo, can I help you with your puzzle?" Her voice was soft, not wanting to startle the boy who was now beside her as she sat down in the seat beside him, waiting for a response.

The boy who was staring down at his Star Wars puzzle, looked up at Margo who staring back at him with bright eyes. He looked surprised, as if he wasn't expecting someone— especially a girl to come over and befriend a shy kid like him. But, despite the inital shock a five year-old could have, he nodded and slid over what he had already completed of the puzzle and let Margo figured out what he had been missing.

"What's your name?" Margo questioned the boy who had been watching her finish up his Yoda and Luke Skywalker puzzle with sparkling brown eyes that met hers as she looked up at him.

"I'm Peter."

Margo was picked up by her mother that same day. Mrs. Diaz had everyone line up by the door before getting picked up by parents and guardians, when they finished up the last activity for the day. Margo had already spotted her mom outside from the view of the open door, and was ecstatic. She was so excited to tell her mom about what happened on the first day.

She had said her goodbyes to her teacher and walked to her mom with a spring in her step. Margo's mom's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter, pulling along a boy towards her.

"Mommy! This is my new best friend Peter!" Margo hopped up and down, while her mother's surprised expression transformed into one of amusement.

"Is that so?" Margo's mother smiled softly, while Margo's head nodded up and down. Peter's head followed, with his hair bopping up and down as he nodded along with his new best friend.

The two bonded throughout the day, sitting beside one another at the table when doing activities and even on the colored dots on the carpet during story time, with Peter's shyness gradually disappearing as he spent more time with Margo.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Peter," her mom began, also gracing the young boy with a similar smile his new friend sported. He shyly returned the smile, before looking back at the voice who was calling his name.

"Is that your mom?" Margo asked Peter, who shook his head no. She finally let his hand go, now grasping her mom's hand.

"That's my Aunt May!" Peter grinned, slowly taking off to meet his Aunt that was walking towards him too. But, before he ran away, he looked back at Margo and gave her a wave.

"Bye Margo!"

Margo, now at the age of twelve, was still quite an extrovert. But, even with the large amount of friends she made in elementary, her best-friendship with Peter Parker still stood strong. It was summer now, and the two had finally finished 6th grade. Margo was taller, but then so was Peter. Margo's hair was longer, while Peter's was becoming a bit more unruly. The two grew up together, always at each other's houses, either playing with Peter's legos or with Margo's video games. With time, they became inseparable.

At Margo's house, the two shared a treehouse where Peter's and Margo's weekend adventures rooted from. Sometimes while the two kids went on their wild voyages, Aunt May would be having lunch with Margo's mom.

The adventures Peter and Margo embarked on were always centered on being superheroes, as they lived in a world where heroes did exist. From civilian heroes, to those with unimaginable powers that had the potential to save the world.

Just three years ago, Tony Stark publicly announced to the world that he was Iron Man and as time passed by, there were more people with powers arising; eventually choosing a side that would not only change their lives but the lives of the people around them too.

"Peter," Margo started, she was looking out the treehouse window with her back facing Peter, "no matter what, we'll still be friends, right?" Although she was only twelve, she worried about what was to come, having a feeling that when they entered the next stage in life, everything would change.

"Yeah, but why wouldn't we still be best friends?" Peter's expression morphed into one full of confusion, his head slightly tilted to the side. He was sitting down on some pillows they had in the corner. Margo shrugged, now facing him while leaning against the wooden panels that held up and created their treehouse.

"I don't know, but I hear from my older cousins all the time whenever they come and visit, that they just keep losing friends, it's kinda scary." Margo slumped and sat down beside her best friend who just turned to her with a small smile.

"Let's promise each other then," Peter shifted his body to fully face the girl beside him, sitting cross-legged like Margo. He stuck out his hand with his pinky finger protruding out, initiating a pinky promise, "that no matter what, we'll still be best friends."

Margo nodded and smiled softly at her best friend, Peter Parker. The promise to the two unknowingly meant more than just being best friends, as it meant to be looking out for each other and supporting one other when things get tough, even if their friendship itself is in a tough spot.

Margo stuck out her own little hand, and hooked her pink with Peter's larger one, sealing the deal that was meant to never be broken.

"I promise."

( ahh! here it is! i hope this is okay!! )

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