More Questions for the Squad

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(Above is Serendipity, by BTS. And is a beautiful song. This song is above because I mention "Anthems" and Serendipity is the anthem of my ship.)


Hello my fellow Cinnamembers! I had a question!

Should we have a theme song? Or an anthem.

I know a lot of things have anthems, heck, (yes I have a heck-pass), even my ship has an anthem.....(I'm going to prevent myself from going off on a tangent by aprubtly changing the subject.)

So yep. That is the main question.

Should we have an anthem?

If so do you have any ideas?

I have an idea of genres for songs if we did have an anthem. It would be something beautiful, something fluffy, something that makes one feel soft and warm, a heartwarming song. Because cinnamon rolls are innocent beans and adorable beans, and us and those we protect are cinnamonrolls, so the songs should fit the theme.

What do you guys think?

We can vote about this in the comments.


A couple other questions that I have:

---Should I start putting songs above chapters?

---Do you think we should try to get more members?

---What should we really do as a squad? Should we rant about things? What do we do? Or are we just people who support a similar opinion, or cause?

Thank you for reading this chapter!

Violet of EarthSea🐉

Cinnamonroll Protection SquadWhere stories live. Discover now