What now?

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(The song above is "I'm Fine" by BTS)


Hey squad! How are all of you guys doing?

I am doing good at the moment.

But I have some questions. First of all as the title of the chapter says "What now?" I don't know what to do really. I wanted to know whether we should continue doing the complement days or should we do something else? Or she we continue with the complement days? And should we do something else as well?

Another thing is, continuing with the idea of something else, do you guys have ideas on other things we could do...idk. The whole purpose of this book is that it is to "Protect Cinnamonrolls". But I am not sure really what I am doing, this is the first time I have ever made a book that was an actual squad or something.

I don't know really where I was going with this.....

I just want to know your opinions. And if you have any ideas that could help, that is good as well!

Thank you for reading I hope you all have a great day!

Violet of EarthSea🐉

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