2.5 chap

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"It's... It's been awhile now... Approximately 2 hours..."

"Hopefully he's okay..."

An hour passes

"This... This is taking too long I'm going to check on them"

Amagi gets her driver to drive her to school


"Wait. They did mention that they were going to the roof."

Amagi rushes to the roof


Oni was on the ground with blood near his mouth and Yako had bruises all over her face


She rushes to him

"Are you okay?"


"This is not good"

Amagi takes out her phone and calls her family hospital


"Where... Where am I...."

"Doctor! The patient is awake!" A lady in a nurse outfit

"Patient?... Oh... That's right.... That guy... Ha... It's been awhile since I've heard that word... Patient"


"On this nights news a car hits onto a gasoline tanker explodes and kills the car driver but not the gas tanker driver"


"Boring I change it something else"

"The two victim names were "madou nogitsune and Emilia nogitsune were killed."

"Wait... Those"

"And here is the picture of the victims"

"No... No... This cannot be...."

*Yako calls their phone number*

"Please... Please pick up.."

1 minute passes



"Sorry the number you have dialed is currently unavailable please-"

*She puts down the phone*

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

She says as she breaks down into tears

"I'm sorry for being useless... I can't even protect myself..."

Time passes and a knocking was heard from the door

"Hello! Can you open the door please!" A Pleasant voice was heard through the door

*Yako opens the door*

"Hello! And what's you're name?"

"Ya... Yako nogitsune"

He looks into the house and sees the news on

"I see so you already know huh. Well then I'll just skip to the part."

"What... Part?"

"Well I'm adopting you!"

"But I'm not a dog"

"No silly since you're parents are dea- are in the other world I'm taking care of you."

And so Yako packed her things up and a photo with her and her family and followed the man

A few minutes past

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