Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

Struggling to keep my eyes open, I sit in my Pre-Calculus class with truly no clue what's going on. But it wouldn't be a proper math class experience if you didn't pay attention the entire class and learned it on your own at home. Sike! This bitch doesn't pay attention and doesn't learn it on her own because she doesn't have the mental capacity for it. It's not like I don't try to learn it. I do. But it just doesn't work. The only thing I enjoy during this period is when Isaac walks past our classroom as he's delivering call slips. He'll usually make a funny face or wave.

My teacher, Mr. Rhodes starts approaching the row of desks I'm in, so I sit up a little bit and try to look more focused. He's handing back our last test. O God. Here he comes. Nearing my desk, he picks up my test, then flips it so the grade is facing downwards–HE EVEN CURVES THE PAPER WITH HIS HANDS (that's when you know it's bad)–and slides it onto my desk. Our eyes make contact, and with pity in his eyes he says "See me after class," and walks away.

I slump back in my chair, and glance outside the classroom door, seeing Isaac pass by. As he looks to me, he flashes a big grin, but I respond by shaking my head in sadness. He pouts and makes a heart sign, then walks away.

Once the bell rings, I pack up slowly, waiting for everyone to leave before I talk to Mr. Rhodes. As the last person makes their way out, I approach his desk.

"Hi, Mr. Rhodes. I know I did poorly on this test...And the tests before it. But I will try my best to do better."

"Lucy, I know you do well in your other classes, but perhaps, you should get a tutor for this one." He looks at me with genuine care. I probably should've gotten a tutor earlier in high school, but I never ask for help. I just prefer to do work alone. But if I want to make it out of this hell hole, I have to pass, so tutoring is my only option.

"Okay, I'll find one. Thank you." I wave goodbye and head to the quad to eat lunch.

I spot Ezekiel at our usual table and join him. Caleb, Chase, and Isaac soon appear. Ezekiel, Caleb, and Chase are sitting on their own bench, while Isaac and I share one.

Isaac turns to me and asks, "Why'd you look so sad in math? Despite the fact that you were in math."

I groan and rest my head on the table. "I failed another test! I talked to him after class, and he says I should get a tutor, but I don't want to pay anybody."

"More trouble calculating, Lulu?" Ezekiels smugly asks.

"This is serious! If I don't pass, I don't graduate. What if that really happens?" I whine.

"I can tutor you," Chase offers. That's a great idea! Chase is crazy smart. Why haven't we ever thought about the before?!


"WHAT ARE YOU?" Chase yells.

"An idiot sandwich," I mumble as he holds two slices of bread on either side of my face.

Now, I know why he's never tutored me before. He's apparently the Gordon Ramsey of academics.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" he repeats.

"AN IDIOT SANDWICH," I yell back.

"Great! Now, that you've come to terms with your true self, you can grow from it," he encourages, but none of this was very encouraging at all. Not in the slightest. During lunch, we decided that he would start tutoring me right away, so he came to my house after school. We've been looking over problems for the past hour, but he started getting frustrated when I kept making careless mistakes.

"Thank you for helping me find myself. You are so much more than a tutor. You're like my spiritual guide. How can I ever repay you?" my words dripping with sarcasm.

"This is just the beginning. You have much more to learn," he tries to say seriously but suppresses a smile. I bump his shoulder with mine, and we laugh together. "But seriously, looking through your old tests, I'm noticing that you could easily improve your score a little if you were more careful. Sometimes, it's just the simple mistake of multiplying or dividing wrong. You have to double check the problem after you do it, okay?" He looks to me and I nod.

"I'm glad you're helping me with this. I know you'd rather be studying for your own classes," I say.

"Lucy, I'm not even busy today, and even if I was, I would still make time for you. You know that." He smiles at me, but continues, "If it were Caleb or Ezekiel that I had to tutor, then I would rather do literally anything else." I laugh at his remark, even though I know it's probably not true. He cares so much about all of the guys  that he wouldn't think twice about offering his life savings to them, much less tutoring them.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," Chase says.


I pick up my phone and see Caleb's name pop up on the screen.

"I need someone warm to cuddle with tonight"

I roll my eyes and type back "Too bad I'm a stone cold bitch," and laugh at my own joke.

"Really? Because things tend to get pretty heated between us;)"

"That might just be you, sweaty:p"

"So you're really not going to come over?"

"I'll come. Don't sweat it lmao"

"Whatever, I'll see you in a bit."

"What were you laughing about?" Chase asks when he comes back from the bathroom.

"Oh, just insulting Caleb. The usual," I answer. "Let's get back to studying!"

"That's the spirit!" Chase chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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