Chapter Thirteen

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A/N~ You guys are realllyyy gonna love this chapter!! It's a redemption chapter after writing that short filler yesterday. EEK!! I'm so proud of myself!! I finally did it!! 

Chapter 13

Raven's POV~

Mike and I packed the last box slowly, as if we wanted to savour the moment forever. I looked up at him from my crouch on the floor, a giant roll of tape in hand, and smiled. He smiled back at me; it stretched from ear to ear, the kind of smile I lived for.

Mike walked around the box to me and put his hands around my waist, pulling my body up to him. In seconds I was in his arms with a smile on my face and tears creeping down my cheeks. Mike used his thumb to wipe away my tears, which caused more to pour over my eye lids.

We stood there in silence, not needing any sounds or words for us to understand each other. I looked into Mike's big eyes and saw them twinkle from a thin film of water. I smiled and held onto Mike tighter, feeling that I never wanted to let him go.

I brushed my lips against Mike's slowly and closed my eyes as I felt his soft lips move against mine.

Our kisses were never fast, yet they overflowed with lust; they were slow and caring. As I thought about it, our kisses put other's to shame. 

I frowned as Mike's phone started to ring. The ringtone sounded familiar, and as he took his phone out of his front pocket I realized it wasn't the doctor's ringtone, which was good.

Dad had been out of the hospital and back at home for a couple weeks now. Mike and I talk to him every other day, to make sure he and his occupational nurse are still getting along and to keep in touch. It was something that I had promised to Dad when we had left Alabama. 

"Hello?" Mike's voice echoed a little bit through the bare room, I even heard a slight chuckle from the other line as Mike put his phone on speaker. 

"Well lookie here! My nephew knows how to answer his phone!" I noticed Ms. Rosie's thick, New York accent, and smiled.

"Well lookie here! My great aunt--" Ms. Rosie snorted.

"-Finally figured out how to use her cellular device!" We all laughed, as we heard silence from the other line.

"Who is that in the background? Please Lordy Jesus please tell me it isn't that hussy Rose! I can't believe I had to share my name with her!"

Mike and I chuckled at Ms. Rosie's outburst, "No Auntie. It's Raven. We are getting ready to leave and go home."

I smiled when Mike called his apartment "home". It warmed my heart that we were actually going to be living together.

"Well that's good... WAIT! Raven? Where have I heard that name?" There was a silence from Ms. Rosie. It was tough, but we could actually hear her tapping her nails on a hard surface. "Oh yes, she answered the phone when I called last month."

Mike nodded his head and smiled at me, motioning me back into his arms, "Yep. That's her. Well I think we're going to hit the road, but I will call you when we get home and we can schedule lunch in the city sometime. How 'bout it?""

I heard Ms. Rosie clap her hands and laugh, "You betcha. You two be careful on those big roads, they are dangerous now-a-days."

Mike and Ms. Rosie said their good-byes and I love you's as I loaded the last box into a truck my dad rented for us. It was small since I didn't have too many things to pack, but neither Mike or me knew how to drive it. So we asked my dad if he would drive it down there when we were ready.

I texted my dad and told him we were done packing, and that it was safe to come over, seeing as though all the stray cats were gone. My dad is terribly allergic to cats, it's sad really. I never got that cute little kitty that every little girl gets on her fifth birthday.

I yelled from the top of the stairs to Mike, who was in the living room doing something. I was looking around the rooms upstairs, to make sure I didn't forget anything that I couldn't live without.

As I peeked into my bedroom, as I walked around inside I noticed it was just about empty. All that was left were a couple old pillows and imprints in the carpet. 

I turned around and almost stepped on something small and furry. I looked down and my jaw dropped.

There, sitting in between my bare feet, was the cutest grey kitten I had ever seen. I picked it up and it mewed softly, it's fur was as soft as a feather-filled pillow, and around the kitten's neck was a bright green ribbon, with a card attached.

I tucked the kitten under my arm carefully and took the note from it's place, reading it slowly, making sure I was reading it right.

Dear Raven, 

I know I'm standing outside the door as you find this note, but you know I'm a hopeless romantic. There's a very important question that occurred to me the other day, and if you would turn around and look down, I can ask you.

I turned around with the kitten in my arms, and the note hanging limply from my fingertips.

"What are you doing?" I looked down at Mike, who was on one knee in front of me.

"I said I had to ask you an important question." Mike's face was covered with tears and a huge smile.

"Well could you ask me standing up?"

Mike shook his head and produced a small, black box from his back pocket. "No. Because I need to do this right now, before someone steals you away from me."

My mouth dropped open at the sight of the silver engagement ring. I shook my head slowly and covered my open mouth with my hand.

"Raven Christine Byrd, will you marry me?"

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