♦️Chapter 17♦️

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《Blaze POV》

Seeing my father ride his dragon in the air has to be one of THE coolest things I have ever seen. The perfect formation makes it that much more satisfying to watch. And when he dropped from the skies I almost panicked but then calmed down when Nethermore dived in to save him. It was truly a sight to behold.

Now we are setting up for a big banquet just before the war that's tommorow, obviously me and Wiccan will stay behind with some guards as my father believes that I'm to young to see the bloodshed yet I've seen him execute copious amounts of traitors without his knowledge but I agreed not wanting to add more unwanted stress.

Speaking of Wiccan, my heart always beats harder when I think about him. I normally don't pray seeing how I'm in Hell but I believe that his moon Goddess will bless us both and allow us to become mates. Fingers cross.

Both uncle Troye and Axel are making out in front of the staff not giving a shit about they're presence but practically fling themselves as soon as I show up.

"Oh no please do not stop at my accountant." Troye hides behinds Axel whilst some staff laugh but quickly shut up when Axel flashes his fangs at them.

"Get to work." He gathers Troye in his arms and sways side to side, "It's a shame you won't see your great uncle fight in battle."

"I've heard the stories and I trust that you will be slaughtering those cunts in armour with ease." Axel puffs out his chest and nods whilst Troye shakes his head and takes him out of the kitchen.

"So you and your old man are getting close, I see." Wiccan leans against the cupboards and gives me one of his signature smiles.

"Yep I'm guessing he doesn't want to leave our relationship in the gutters when he does off to war." Wiccan moves closer and hugs me, "I can't help but think he believes this will be our last time together. I already lost one dad I'm not ready to lose another." My facade of happiness disappears and all is left is an empty vessel.

"Hey now your dad is strong not to mention the Supreme, he's a baddie and I believe that he'll get back the throne and win the hearts of the people back." I chuckle at the fact that Wiccan believes my father will spare those souls. I wouldn't be surprised if he burned them all. Souls are replaceable.

"Your right but I can't help feel a type of way."

"It's understandable, both my dad's leave me a small souviner to remember them by which scares me but they always come back because they have faith not in the Gods but in themselves." We stay rooted in our positions not caring about the staffs running around confused on what the hell is going on.

"Let us join your old man and remember this banquet is to strength him, so don't worry him otherwise it'll be harder for him to leave you." Wiccan presses a firm kiss to my cheeks as we had to the grand banquet hall, where everyone is getting seated as my father takes seat on his stone throne.

"Shall we begin?" My father says with a smile etched onto his face, showing he isn't worried so why should I be?

"Let's eat and go into battle like men." Wiccan's father or should I say My soon to be in law says, or is that too soon?

The staff prepared an enormous feast fit for copious amounts of hungry fat Orcs. We all tuck in to the savoury spread of food at our disposal. I like to eat my deserts first because I have a sweet tooth that hungers for the carrot cake.

Around the room Axel is chomping down on a turkey ignoring the mess falling on him, Troye is nibbling on some fresh steak that leaks juices as he chews down, Wiccan is more mannered as he eats slowly whilst cleaning up his face. I'm guessing he takes after his dad Beau as he is eating delicately like his son where as Rouge is tearing a piece of meat off it's bone. My father is looking over around the table in pride reminiscing about the good times he had when he was queen, his eyes meet mine as he smiles and picks up the fork to eat his carrot cake.

Like father, like son.

Conversations start naturally, most are avoiding the topic of war as it's a time for family and love not hate and destruction. We all laugh and cheer on as Axel gets shit faced drunk not caring about a thing. A laugh leaves my father's mouth making this moment worth wild even if it may be our last time together, I know his love will be forever. My father stands up with a goblet filled with rich wine and puts it in the air as he prepares for his speech.

"As you know tommorow at dawn we will all be engaging in war and with that will come sacrifices, blood and tears but I assure you know we will not fall," he grips the goblet harder turning his knuckles white, "We will not die at the hands of that thing that sits on my throne. He will pay for the pain he put me through and he will pay for taking our rightful king away from us." He pauses taking a moment to compose himself.

"My mate, Lucifer will be avenged. He will not be forgotten even if those town folks forgot who brought them here, HE WILL NOT BE A MOMENT IN HISTORY BUT A MEMORY THAT LIVES ON FOREVER. SO I SAY TO YOU MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS WILL YOU FIGHT FOR ME, YOUR QUEEN AND HELP TEAR OUR ENIMES TO SHREADS!" People banging their fist and people pumping the swords on the air in agreement.


"YES!" A unified cheer erupts.


More heroic cheers and screams bounce around the banquet table. Even I join in due to the rush of adrenaline that's pumping in me.

"FOR LUCIFER!" my father screams and downs his drink in one go and throws it against a wall.

"FOR LUCIFER!" Everyone drinks and slams their cups down on the table and start cheering, Nethermore roars fire fuelling our men.

Suddenly the banquet doors creak open and everyone draws their swords pointed at the siluotte that stands cloaked.

"Who dares?" My father walk to the edge of the table where the shadow stands still. Slowly the figure approaches my father, everyone tries to go to him but he puts his hand up.

The figure realises his cloak and all is silent....



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