Arc 1.4

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Finally finished my exams so another update for you guys. From now on I will be using 1000 words per chapter before I used 500 words per chapter.

They looked back and saw their mother walking towards them. Anaesthesia and Drizella both started their acting.

Yes don't underestimate our chu yu it may not look it but chu yu was a born actor and after training he can act very exeptionally. On the other hand our dear bao bao had acting in his blood, he didn't even need any practice.

They looked behind with an elegant and beautiful smile gracing both of their lovely facial features. Anaesthesia asked 'Well mother is something wrong, why are you searching for us.'

'Oh' replied their mother 'I was just about to forget, you know an exciting thing happened today'. 'What happened?' drizella asked

'Well' their mother replied 'the king has thrown a huge ball for all the people of our kingdom. And the exciting thing is that the king is going to to search for a bride for his sons. I know both my boys are the most fitting for the role of princess. So hurry we got to get ready make, haste for the ball is just next week'

At that exact moment Cinderella came walking Through the hall and she asked very arrogantly 'So what is up with all the noise that you are making. Don't you people know I am having my beauty sleep and you people with all your noise woke me up'

Anastasia (a/n : this is the name of their mother) said, very gently I might add 'Oh good morning to you darling I was just telling them a ball that the king has thrown. Each and every man and woman is invited for it.

'Ok, so when is it?' asked cindrella still quite arrogantly i might add. 'It is due in in 7 days, would you like to come with us to the ball' Anastacia asked her. 'Well duh, of course i am gonna go. But wait the ball is being held when the princes are of this age, then you mean that the king is going to choose a queen'

'Yes' anastacia replied. 'Oh really then we need to hurry up, what are we still doing here. Hurry let's go to the market, I need the best dresses, shoes and jewellery. I need to be the most beautiful girl in the whole ball, anyway I don't really have to worry that much as I am beautiful anyway. All I need is just a perfect dress, to appear even more perfect then I already am.'

Anastasia just kept quite and did not say anything. So they all prepared to go to the market to get new dresses for all of them. In his mind chu yu asked Bao bao
'Hey bao didn't you say that this is the plot of Cinderella, if it is then what happened this was not the plot'.

Bao bao replied [Well host I already told you the protagonist of this Cinderella has already blackened. And since the protagonist is not pure any more than the plot will also be affected by it. You know at last everyone things that Cinderella is very pure and her family is exiled and then killed secretly. But no one knows that actually her family was very kind to her in the story they tell us that Cinderella's stepmother is very evil. But here as you can see she is actually very kind and beautiful.]

'So i see that means that cindrella is actuall the evil one here' chu yu asked. Bao bao replied, [Yes host, that is because the plot is affected by the protagonist. And the protagonist is affected by us -transmigrators and systems. So for example in the story, if you remember. Cinderella's father used to be a very rich Merchant but that is not the case in here. In this story Cinderella's father was actually a  very selfish man, he married a woman and then he had Cinderella with her. But then he left that women and married anastasia instead because she was very rich. So you see all this that at the end of the story cindrella gets back was actually all Anastacia's. Which means that all of it belonged to anasthecia and drizella. Anyway that's how anaesthesia and drizella were born. So you see here anastasius was actually trapped by the father who's name was max.(a/n :  I am sorry for my weird sense of naming, forgive me dear readers) So host if you just take a look at the plot then you may not see the actual plot that lies underneath. In reality the stepmother and her daughters were never really rude to Cinderella, on the other hand they were kind to her as she had lost both her mother and father. And the father was the selfish one, like father like daughter. Cinderella was a scheming person and that's why her heart was so black.]

As bao finished the explaination all three of them and their mother got ready to go shopping. They wore clothes to go outside in summer.


Side chats :

Chu yu : So bao what did mother mean when she said that both her boys were lovely and were the most fitting for the position of princesses. We are both guys aren't we ?  🤔

Bao : Host sorry i forgot to tell you but in this world same gender marriage is accepted by all.

Chu yu : So you mean that if i get chosen then i will have to marry one of the princes.  😦

Bao : Yes host even i don't want to do it since i never want a lover again...

Chu yu : What bao so you had a lover before was he or she very good to you.

Bao : Yes host he was very kind to me and i thought that we both loved each other. But once i got into some problem and when it was over, i discovered that he was nowhere to be seen... I am sorry i don't want to talk about it host. Anyway host didn't you have anyone like that in your world ?

Chu yu : It's ok even if you do not want to talk about it. And as for a lover, i never had one. Well actually there was a guy that i like but i died before i confessed.

Bao : So host you are gay too. I guess we are both then. Anyway host lets forget all unhappy things and focuss on our tasks, we can do it. I am excited. 😤

Chu yu : That's right bao i am excited too lets focus here for now.   😊

(a/n : Finally i did 1126 words in this chapter yay 😃)

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