21- What does Bakugo think if you?

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Language cuz, well...Bakugo and listen to the song on top, it slaps

♈️ Aries: Dickhead

♉️ Taurus: Hungry bitch

♊️ Gemini: Two faced freak

♋️ Cancer: Suck a dick

♌️ Leo: Egotistical prick

♍️ Virgo: Quiet bitch

♎️ Libra: Pathetic extra wannabe

♏️ Scorpio: Lame arse

♐️ Sagittarius: Shit for brains

♑️ Capricorn: Nerdy bitch

♒️ Aquarius: Never showers prick

♓️ Pisces: Pathetic wipe that smile of your face loser

Thx for 200 reads in 3 days.

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