Chapter 16

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                When she went down for breakfast next morning there were dark rings round her eyes and J.K. , who was sitting reading a newspaper with his coffee, frowned when he noticed them ." Didn't you sleep ?" he asked bluntly .

She seated herself before replying ." Not very well," she murmured." I- well , the wind was very strong ."

J.K. looked unconvinced, and then pouring himself another cup of coffee , he said : " Emir arrived last night ."

                She controlled her colour with difficulty," Oh, did he ?" she said , sipping her fruit juice ."Did you know he was coming ?"

         " Not really , although I suspected he might after your argument on the phone last evening . No matter how you see it . Emir is not vindictive. He probably needs to apologize. Besides, it will give us the ideal opportunity to discuss this trip . I thought you might leave at the end of the week ."

" At the end of the week ?' her eyes were wide ." But- but we couldn't - we couldn't possibly!"

"Why not ? you know you obtained your passport weeks ago . There is nothing to stop you . Emir is perfectly well aware of the departure date ."

She felt all traces of appetite leaving her . She couldn't go abroad with Emir right now , not immediately . She needed time to think, to gather together her scattered senses , to get things in to perspective , to achieve that detached aloofness that would prevent her from making a fool of herself .

"Where - where is Emir?" she asked in a small voice.

" He went about six-thirty - on Alexander . It's quite a refreshing morning , for all the cold , and I expect he'll ride over to the Maxwells' for breakfast ."

"Oh.' She finished her fruit juice ." What - what did he say ?"

"Nothing much . Why?" J.K. regarded her speculatively. " He can't have slept much last night. He didn't get here until after midnight - much later than that , actually , and to be out so early ..." He shrugged." May be his conscience is troubling him ."

           She doubted this, particularly after the incident on the upper landing . At the remembrance of this, the colour flooded her cheeks, and J.K. narrowed his eyes ," Don't let Emir hurt you." he said , surprisingly . " His bark is much worse than his bite."

She managed a half smile." Do you think so? Oh J.K. . I wish you hadn't decided on this trip to Jamaica ! It will be impossible !"

J.K. sighed. " Look, Feriha , you are travelling with Emir. When you get there, Helen will be your hostess, and she'll see that you're not a target for Emir's ill- humour. Besides , Emir likes Jamaica ,and I daresay you may find him a much more agreeable person away from my influence ."

"You never said a truer word !" a cool , amused voice remarked , and Feriha glanced round , startled to find Emir leaning against the door post ." What a cozy chat you seem to be having." he remarked, with some dryness." The trials and errors of life in a goldfish bowl!"

"Don't be so sarcastic, Emir ," said J.K. sharply ." where is Lauren ? I would have thought you would be breakfasting there if you had been riding with her."

Emir flung himself into a seat at the table , pouring himself some coffee." I have been not riding with Lauren. I haven't even seen Lauren,' he replied sardonically." I preferred my own company this morning." His eyes flickered over Feriha swiftly and she bent her head to avoid the speculation in his gaze." Do you not ride these days, Feriha?"

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