Chapter 19

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Flicker of surprise appeared on Helen face when Feriha asked what she meant

"No' No , I can see that,' replied Helen K , gripping her arm to assist her to climb the steps ,' I think we might conceivably become friends , which would please J.K. enormously.' she smiled for the first time since Emir went into the house.' You must understand Feriha ,I don't mean to be unkind . It's as well to iron out these difficulties from the very beginning we understand one another. Don't you agree?'

"Oh, yes Mrs. Kelly ,' said Feriha stiffly ." We understand one another.'

Her delight in her surroundings, in the luxurious opulence of Flamingo Lodge , had all been doused. When they entered the wide arched entrance which gave on to a cool mosaic - tiled hall , and turned into an beautifully furnished lounge where Emir and Matt were having drinks. Feriha could barely summon up enough energy to show any enthusiasm. Her cheeks were little pale and she badly wanted to cry for some inexplicable reasons. But instead she had to accept a glass of fresh iced fruit juice, and answer when spoken to while Emir and Matt and Helen chatted quite amicably about London and the family business, and the appalling state of weather there.

Several times Feriha found Emir regarding her strangely , as though aware that all was not well with her, and she had to force herself not to allow her eyes to hold his , mirroring her own inner torments as they did .

"I have diner." Helen was saying now ,'and as you've had such a long journey , I thought you all might prefer supper in your rooms . Sophie has some delicious salads and there is plenty of shellfish to choose from . Which would you prefer, Feriha ? Crab , lobster , prawns?"

Feriha swallowed hard ." Would -would you consider me very impolite if I said I wanted nothing ?" she murmured awkwardly ." I'm not hungry!'

Emir frowned now ,' you must be . You haven't eaten since lunch in New York!"

"I can assure you I'm not .' replied Feriha tightly ." Could I go to my room ? I feel rather tired ."

Helen rang the bell nearby." Of course,' she said smoothly , and as the maid appeared ,'Will you take Miss Robins to her room , Sophie?" she looked at Feriha ." Good night , then , Feriha . I expect we'll meet at breakfast !"

"Yes, yes , thank you .' Feriha nodded goodnights and followed Sophie out in to the hall again and up a flight of stairs . The stairs were of the same marble mosaic as the lower hall and led up to the landing where rooms opened both sides and she was led into a room. Her cases were there but were not yet unpacked and Feriha felt too tired to tackle anything of that kind tonight. Instead, she stripped off her slack suit , washed herself thoroughly and then put on a short cambric nightie which she had worn last night in New York.

A lump seemed to have settled itself permanently in her throat , but she was determined she would not give into tears . Tears were too easy a way out and were for children , not young women. In ten days she would be eighteen . It was time she started acting like a young woman instead of a stupid school girl . Letting Helen's words bother her , that was the most stupid thing of all . After all what had she said ? That Emir was to marry and settle down : that she didn't want Feriha interfering , even unwittingly . In his marriage plans ; that some less scruples girl might have tried to capitalize on situation .

She climbed into bed , turning out the main light , but leaving a lamp burning beside the bed , she lifted the paperback she had brought with her . It was thriller and just sort of reading for someone in her frame of mind, she thought, but even so she found it impossible to concentrate. After reading one page half a dozen times without really understanding it , she gave it up and put her book down . She slid out of the bed again and opened the shutters. Even in the moonless night she could pick out the lights of other villas lower down the hillside and smell the delicious tang of the sea. Her room had marvelous view, she thought trying to derive some satisfaction from the thought. But she felt little emotion about that. It came home to her very clearly that circumstances and surroundings were only relative, and it was people and not things that made or broke one's life.

With the profound thought she went back to bed , taking another look at her immediate surroundings. As it was she felt much too wide awake and restless. She thought of J.K. alone at Malthorpe and shivered. If only she was still there! She had believed on Emir's plane that she would enjoy this holiday. She had been very silly. And two weeks could seem like a life time . Hadn't she experienced that when her grandfather died?

                                  There was a sound outside her door and a light tap , andthinking it was Sophie , she called . " Come in !" 



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