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THE VERY next day, theo had woken up around 6:30. today would be the start of her first high school experience. even if it would be a short high school experience, she was excited.

theo quickly threw on a bunch of different outfits. not being satisfied with any of them, she pulled on a cream colored knit sweater and a pair of jeans. she glanced in the mirror and smiled, pulling her docs on and walking out to the kitchen, grabbing a bite to eat. she grabbed her bag, slinging it on her shoulders.

charlie was already sitting at the small table that stood in the middle of the dimly lit kitchen. she looked up at theo. "alright. do good in school, okay? but also watch over that peter boy. your father called the school administrator and made sure you had a lot of classes with him." she informed her and smiled.

theo nodded and smiled, excited to finally get out of the door. "text me if anything goes wrong. here's your lunch." she said and handed her a lunch bag. theo kissed her cheek, making charlie smile as she pulled away.

before she was out the door, she stopped. "i love you aunt charlie. i'll see you after school!" theo exclaimed and walked out, walking out of the apartment and walking down the sidewalk. she pulled up a picture of peter parker that her dad had sent.

she stopped a second, her steps faltering as she looked at the picture. she sighed. he was kinda cute.

"god, theo, calm your teenage hormones." she mumbled to herself, shaking her head and putting her phone in her pocket as she walked up to the school. she pulled out her schedule and walked inside.

first period geometry, blah, blah, blah, after school decathlon team? huh, this peter kid really is smart.

of course, midtown tech was like every other public school. the gross perverted boys and the unclean bathrooms, but theo walked into it unwavered. she felt eyes on her in the crowded hallway of the school. she wasn't that surprised as she was the new kid, so she was bound to attract some attention.

she watched as the girls whispered to her friends about her. theo listened with her sonic hearing.

"who the hell is that?" the girl whispered to her friend as theo stood at her locker, punching in the combination.

her attention was caught by the boy standing with a group, talking about theo.

"flash, are you seriously about to go for the new girl? she just got here." his taller friend asked. all flash did was shrug and say, "she's hot."

theo chuckled a bit and rolled her eyes, shoving some stuff in her locker before closing it. she looked up at the tv in the hallway, which was playing the school news.

a new voice caught theo's attention, making her head turn. her eyes landed on peter parker, at his locker. she suddenly felt her face go hot as she got nervous.

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