PewdieCry #1

26 1 1
  • Dedicated to My Flaws

Cry's POV

I grabbed my phone and rushed out of my house. I had just gotten a call from my crush, Felix. Yes I had a crush on him. He had called me asking if I could come over for something. Hmm, I wonder what it is.

Felix's POV

I had just called my crush, Cry. Yes I had a crush on him. Today was the day I was going to tell him my feelings. My hands were sweaty and I was slightly shaking. I was extremely nervous. All these questions rushed through my head. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if he hates me after this? What if-


My thoughts were interrupted by my doorbell. I nervously walked to the door and put my hand on the knob. I turned it slowly. I opened the door to see the man I had deeply fallen in love with.

"Hey, friend!" Cry said happily. Every time he said friend to me my hope was slowly crushed.

"H-hey Cry." I stuttered. Dammit! Get yourself together Felix.

"So, what did you need." He asked curiously.

"Oh, I wanted t-to tell you somet-thing." I replied. I'm doing so good at getting myself together. Note the sarcasm.

"Please don't hate me after this." I said.

"I could never hate you." He replied with a cheery smile.

"I-I like y-you." He just stood there surprised. It was if he was frozen. I knew he could never like me back.

"I knew you would never feel the same way! I was so stupid to think you would!" I rambled. Suddenly he grabbed my arm. I looked up at him.

"Your right I don't like you." Well there goes my hope. I tried to get out of his grip but he put his finger up to signal he wasn't done.

"I love you." He finished. My face sparked with happiness and I crashed my lips to his. He slowly moved his lips against mine and they moved in sync.

"I love you too Cry, I love you too."


AWWWW!!! Yes PewdieCry!!! One of my OTP's!!!

Well I hope you guys liked it!!!

Request some more because we need ideas.

And sorry it's short, but I don't have much inspiration.




Goodbye for now, my flaws!


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