Edgy Conflict

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Lust's eyesockets widened as he saw a familiar skeleton with a red hoodie. He hid the rose behind his back. "What are YOU doing here!?" Fell growled at Lust. "I.. just came to talk to Swap.." Fell growled "Yeah right.. I know why you want to 'talk' with Swap!" Lust growled "I know what you're thinking! I wouldn't do that to Swap!" Fell scoffed "Don't make me laugh.. you're a slut, you always will be!" he moved to shove Lust but before he could a voice sounded from in the house "Fell, who are you talking-" Swap paused at the sight of Lust "L-Lust..? What are you doing here..? It's been a while." Lust blushed as Swap hugged him, feeling uneasy around Fell. "Well.. i came here to tell you something.. but.. i guess you're busy so I'll just be on my way.." Lust turned to leave, but felt someone grab his hand. Lust gasped and turned "Wait.. don't leave..!" Lust shuffled uneasily. "What is it you came to tell me?" Lust sighed "I don't.." he brought his voice to a whisper "I don't feel.. comfortable.. around Fell.. i need to talk to you alone.." Fell heard this and pulled Swap to him, an arm over his shoulder "Aw.. come on.. you can say it in front of me.." Fell smiled, seeing Swap blush and Lust's eyes narrow. "No.. It's.. for Swap's ears only.." Swap moved to Lust and took his hand. Lust teleported to Swap's room. "What is it.?" Swap questioned. Pulling out the rose, Lust gulped again. He thought of what to say.
He took a deep breath, but just as he was about to speak, Fell walked in the room. "Fell.. please go downstairs." Swap shooed Fell but he wouldn't budge "I'm not leaving you alone.. not with HIM!" Fell pointed at Lust angrily. Swap reassured him "Fell.. it's fine.. he's not going to-" Fell interrupted rudely ."I'm not leaving!" Suddenly, Swap Papyrus grabbed Fell by the hood and yanked him out of the room, winking at Lust and Swap before he exited. "Well.. that was weird.." Swap commented. Diversions cleared, Lust prepared himself, rose in hand.. he took a deep breath.

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