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She kissed my cheek leaving a lipstick mark

We get back to our school and there's a fire and everyone is outside

I run in remembering Holly's phone is in my room

I don't know why I needed it so much I look at graces Polaroid string thing

I pull it off jumping threw the fire on her side

I run out the smoke not effecting me because there wasn't much

A car pulls up

James' car

He's 16

Grayson and Emma jump out and I realise the car is filled with suitcases

"Just in time"

I run to Grayson

I hug him

Hugging him released all the bad memories I had when he was gone

Holly's phone started ringing


It was her mom

I don't answer it

I ignore it

*a month passed*

I'm living with Grayson James and Emma

Funny thing my neighbour is Jessica and her neighbour is Grace

I have also been diagnosed with cancer

It's a confusing thing

Anyway I'm going into public school with Jessica grace Grayson and Emma and James

The best people ever

We walk into a corridor I see holly


Oh my god

And she is wearing my hoodie

Oh my god


She turns around from her friends

She runs to me and hugs me and of course I hugged back

"Isn't that the hoodie you were wearing at the dinner?"

I nod to Grayson

"And you walked hours in the snow shirtless?"

I nod again

"Oh my god is the girl you were doing?"

"Oh my god James you know and you really think I was was doing that-oh heres your phone nice Um dress"


She hugged me before running to her friends

I recognise them

Meredith and Lucy

"Really this is gonna be great"

Jessica got confused


"Meredith goes here, shall I annoy her?"

Everyone agrees


She turns around

I wink to annoy her



"I'm not a psychopath"

"So you didn't try to kill me after I rejected you"

-"that happened when?"

I answered grace

"The day before the dinner"

"I mean I did do that"

"And did you or did you not push me down the stairs

"I did fuck off now-oh hi mom just talking to this secret keeper"

"Oh Ethan you got anything you want to tell me?"

"Uh Yea"

I wink to Meredith

"What is it?"

"Your daughter is not a virgin"

"Oh my god! Meredith"

I snicker

"Ethan how do you know"

I snicker before answering

"I took her v-card"


"When she was 13"

"Oh my god my daughters a hoe"

"Oh and we dated until a week after her 14th birthday"

"Why'd you break up"

"She had a threesome with my friend"

"Oh my god mom why aren't you talking to Ethan about his Virginity"

"It's already in the file"

"It's in my file!"

Karen nods

"It also has your age that you lost it it says-"


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