09 | Away With You

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A breath caught in my throat, and I jolted up from the sound of his voice, his fingers slipping away from my hair. "L-Luke!" Voice still trembling and more tears filling my eyes, I yelled, "Oh, my fucking God! Are-are you—" Words failed to form, and his fingers braced my hand, touch no longer feeble. I broke from the pressure crushing me, hot tears running down. "You fucking asshole! You scared me to death! I could've fucking died, y-you fuck-face!"

Luke let out a faint laugh, the ebbing sound of his voice carrying a sallow warmth in them. The smile reaching his eyes made my lips curl, tension releasing from my shoulders. "You look like a zombie," I mumbled, the back of my hand wiping the tears from my face.

"Well, I was sleeping just now," he said hoarsely and pulled himself up from my arm's support. His lips had lost their blush, appearing as pale as the skin surrounding them. A small smile lifted his cheeks, reaching his violet eyes that looked empty, the bags under them heavier.

He propped his palm against my cheek, thumb tracing the lines of my cheekbone, wiping the remaining tears from my face. My chest tightened from the contact, a feather-light airiness fluttering in my head, heart skipping too many beats. "Thank you," he whispered, and as the padding of his thumb slipped away, and arms gently wrapped around my waist. His breath rolled in the cleft of my neck and shoulder as he nuzzled it.

Eyes wandering over his arms, as the bruising invaded my vision, the weight of the situation fell on me. My muscles tensed, and for the first time, I focused on the throbbing pain in my head becoming louder with every passing pulse. "What was happening?" I asked him slowly. "I tried everything, man, but you wouldn't wake up. Then those- those damn marks—" His grip tightened. "—you were getting hurt, and I could do nothing."

"I'm sorry I scared you." His words grazed the hairs on my neck. "I'm trying to figure out things too." He paused and detached his arms, gaze searching mine. "This was the first time..."

"First time?"

"Yes," he said, and his damp palms cupped my face. I stopped breathing. A little cold on my heating cheeks, his fingers traversed through my hair strands, holding my head securely. "First time someone woke me up." Luke kept his forehead on mine. Locks of drenched hair swept against my glasses frame, and I closed my eyes. Each breath exhaled mingled in the space between us. And we stayed that way, headache receding with every ticking second. He smelled of sweat mixed with the remains of his musky cologne.

When we parted, my body yearned his contact and his scent like a sunflower craving sun. So much that I clenched my jaw to with-hold myself.

"But why did you come here?" he asked, lips lazily parting after the final word. He seemed lifeless. A faint bluish bruise circled around his neck. Oh, my God. Luke cleared his throat, attracting my attention to his eyes. "I got this yesterday." His fingers pinched the bruised skin. "From another dream." Swallowing thickly, I nodded. Simple to assume.

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