Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

It was about 10 minutes later and thrown doors opened and when they did Jimmy walked in with the Cullen's and my pack behind him and once they got in they all walked up to me and I said as I looked at Jimmy thanks you can leave now and Jimmy said yes mistress shall I go hunt some dear and bear for you lunch mistress and I looked at him and said that would be great thank you Jimmy and then he walked over to the door and left and then he shut it and once he did I heard Jacob say Bella why are we here the meet isn't for another 2 weeks and I said yeah I know but there was something I wanted to tell you before I told anyone else after all you are family.

Emmett said ok Bella what is it you want to tell us then and I said not now Emmett later lets just catch up yeah and then Emmett said yeah ok and soon after Emmett Seth said so Bella how have you been and I said oh I've been great life's been good I had another boy and girl there names are Conner and Miley but Miley was born human so she is only 5 years old and is very very weak she can barely move on her own and then a couple of days back Conner found a little girl called Sofia and I adopted her into my family and then a day after she came her brother Aaron and her sister Natalie came looking for her and once I told them she was here and adopted into my family I did the same for them so I now have 7 kids it's been great life's been great how about all of you.

Rosalie said well I had a baby boy called Michael and then Alice said I had a boy to called Mika and then Esme said I had a girl and a boy and I called them Tia and Bobby and Leah said I had a little girl called Ria then I said as I looked at Jacob and Ethan so where's mom and dad and Jacob said they wanted to be here but the twins are sick so they had to stay behind and because we are here right now mom and dad have their kids and plus Rosalie's kids and Alice's kids and Esme's and then of course auntie Sue has Leah's kid and I said mom had twins really and Ethan said yeah Bella she did mom had twins the 3 of us have a new brother and sister they are called Ariel and Axel and I said well at least you've all had good lives like me.

Edward said no Bella we haven't we miss you lily and AJ mis you and there cousins and then I said yeah well that's why I called you all here and Carlisle said why Bella and I said because I'm giving up my right as queen in 2 weeks when it's the rules day I'm giving my role to someone else that night and me and the kids are going to come home and then everyone in the room all gasped and Esme said as she ran over to me and hugged me oh my Bella this is so good for you and the kids and everyone else to and I said yeah I know and then I looked at everyone and I said I need a favour from you all.

Sam said sure Bella whatever you need and I said well I want you all to take the kids back to forks with you and keep them there until I come and the Cullen's and wolves all just gasped and Leah said no way Bella it's not happening and I said it needs to please just do this one thing because if something happens on the night I announce this to everyone I don't want my kids to be around to see it it's just too much especially on Miley and Sofia please take them with you let they meet there new cousins and family please and Carlisle said as he looked to Jacob and he nodded ok Bella we will do it on 1 condition.

I said ok fine what is it and then Jacob said me and Ethan and Leah and Jared all stay behind to protect you until it is over and I said ok ok fine that's reasonable yes thank you all so much and then Rosalie said so can we see the kids before we take them and I said yes of course you can I have to explain to them what's happening anyway and then I shouted TIMMY COME HERE and just then the thrown doors open and Timmy walked in and walked up to me and he said yes mistress and I said could you please go tell Mark, Tom and Curtis to bring my kids down to this room and help them with the kids and tell them to be careful with Miley please she's getting worse.

Timmy said yes mistress and left the thrown room and then I looked back to the others and they all gave me pity faces and I said don't please I don't need pity and then Leah said is there nothing you can do not even a spell to make her stronger and I said no I've tried I've tried so much no matter what I did it just made her worse so I just stopped trying to fix her and then Alice said oh Bella I'm so sorry and I said I know you all are but there is nothing you can do if I thought there was then I would do it but there isn't and once I said that the thrown doors opened and my kids all walked into the room and over to me and Miley was in Natalie's arms looking even weaker than before and once my kids came over to me.

I said hey kids this is your family and all my kids kids hi or hello and then I looked at the Cullen's and the wolves and I said as I pointed to the kids well this is Miley, Sofia, Connor, EJ, Renesmee, Aaron and Natalie and the Cullen's and the wolves all said hi nice to meet you and my kids said you too and then I heard Miley coughing so I got off of my chair and I walked over to Natalie and I took Miley into my arms and I said as I saw the state she was in oh my poor baby I'm so sorry I can't stop the pain and Esme said no Bella you can remember that spell you did to create fire to kill Alec and Jane and I said yeah what.

Esme said well just reverse it and I said ok I could to that and I started a spell which said make the pain go away make it last for good and just like that Miley's face colour went back to normal and said looked up at me and said momma me want down and I said ok sweetie and I put her onto the floor and she stood onto her own feet and walked over to Renesmee where before she couldn't even do that so I new I'd helped her but for how long I don't know and so I looked at my kids and I said ok so I've told the Cullen's and pack that we are all going back home but you kids are going home tonight to see your cousin and family.

EJ said but mommy what about you and I said baby I'm going to follow in 2 week and uncle Jacob and uncle Ethan plus auntie Leah and my friend Jared is staying behind to keep me safe nothing will happen but I need you kids all to go with the Cullen's and pack and go back home I promise I will follow ok and then all of my kids said ok mommy and ran over to me and they all hugged me at once and I hugged them all back and then I said as I let go of them all ok you need to get going or you'll miss your plane home I'll see you soon ok and them all of my kids said ok mommy we will phone you when we get home again ok.

I said ok love ya all and then each of my kids took ahold of either a Cullen's hand or someone from the packs hand and left the castle and went home and Jacob, Ethan, Leah and Jared stayed behind and I said ok guys thanks for staying but I'm going to bed and Jacob said I think we will guard this place and I said ok up to you and then I left the room and went up to my bed and got into bed and switched my wolf side on and went to sleep.

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Bella owns the Volturi castle - Sequel to Bella's revenge for the Cullen's (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now