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jeal·ous | adjective

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jeal·ous | adjective

feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.

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fourth year slytherin min yoongi sat in a compartment all alone yet again. it seemed like this happened every single year with him. he had no friends, people were either scared of him or just plain out despised him. either way, he had no friends.

every single time yoongi had approached someone, they just ran away or ignored him. after the twentieth attempt at making friends in his first year, he just gave up.

people became irrelevant to him, except for six.

kim namjoon, kim seokjin, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook.

maybe if things had turned out differently, he could've been friends with at least one of them but now it was too late. they all hated him.

the hogwarts express stopped and he got off. most students who attended there were actually excited to be there once again but yoongi wasn't. not only is he a loner but he also gets bullied, mostly by the gryffindors since he's the only pureblood slytherin who isn't a part of the "mini death eaters" or whatever.

after riding in the carriage by himself, he went into hogwarts and walked on over to the slytherin table. he always felt misplaced, like he didn't belong there. the other slytherins moved away from him like he had some disease.

"yo, bitch," a gryffindor behind him whisper yelled, yoongi just ignored him, "hey, you, i'm talking to you bitch." he said again a little bit louder which made the surrounding gryffindors and slytherins snicker.

"the fuck you want." yoongi snapped as he turned around to face jeon jungkook.

"oh, did somebody just talk to me? i swear i hear a voice, where did it come from?" jungkook asked as he 'cluelessly' looked around which made the people around them laugh.

"hey, taehyung, do you know where the voice came from?" jungkook asked the boy to his left, kim taehyung.

"oh boy, i sure don't know. maybe it's a ghost!" taehyung suggested 'innocently'.

jungkook stopped looking around then made eye contact with yoongi, "oh, i'm so silly, he's right here! sorry, you're just so small and irrelevant i didn't see you." jungkook 'apologized'.

yoongi just flipped him off and turned back around where he stared at a wall with a blank expression on his face.

all the godamn time

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