Introduction: L's Death

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L looked at Light Yagami in curiosity. He was smiling. The Shinigami was missing. Why? L wouldn't find out. His brain knew what was happening before it happened his last dying action sending everything to his choice of a successor... As L started to fall his brain made one last calculation. Chances of survival 40%. His brain started to die deleting everything as he fell for what seemed like forever. As L hit what he thought was the floor his eyes laid upon Light. His one true friend. L looked up at Light and tried to smile. L was glad he was there to catch him. Just as one day the evidence would catch Kira. Light's face began to change into a smile. A triumphent one. L felt shock and betray as his brain switched off for the last time. Betrayed by a friend. Was L's last thought.

Somewhere else in the world: A successor's eye twitched as his computer switched on by it's own. A different successor sneezed. Watari was remembered a little bit too late. L's True successor woke up suddenly.

A/N That is the first chapter of my first story released to Wattpad. ^-^ Was it good? Should I continue? I will be going into more details later on in the story. Have a good night everyone. ^-^


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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