Chapter 6

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Arthit's POV

"Who are you?"

"There is absolutely no need for you to know who or what I am. All you need to know is that it's time for you to leave."

"I don't think so. He and I still have to ..."

"Beat it, dude."

The man looked between me and Kong multiple times before he slumped his shoulders and turned around, still grumbling under his breath. My eyes following him until I confirmed he had stepped into the elevator before I whipped around to face Kong. My first instinct to scream my lungs out at him as to what the fuck he was thinking when he went out with a complete loser like that.

Instead the words practically stuck in my throat when I saw him stand there with a comical smile on his face, funnier still was the way he was covering his right eye with his hand like he was trying to emulate a pirate.

"What the fuck is wrong with your eye?"

"I...uh...lost my contact lens."

This is exactly why this man has me wrapped around his little finger. Even when I am raging mad at him doing something so utterly stupid, he manages to diffuse my short fuse in one instant. Now all I could think about was how weirdly cute he looked while he kept switching between looking like a knock off pirate or winking at me.

"Care to explain what just happened?"

"That was ...ummm...a friend."

"A friend?"

"Yeah, yeah. That's right. A friend. We were just catching up."

I squinted my eyes at him while he vigorously nodded his head while attempting to convince me that what I had just witnessed was two friends just innocently catching up. I hope he doesn't think I am that stupid.

"A friend who was trying to sleep with you?"

"Well, ex-friend now I guess."

"And where is Sam while your friends are trying to get in your pants?"


"Yeah, Sam. Your boyfriend, remember? Is he still your boyfriend?"

"Oh Sam, yeah, he is...he is working late tonight."

I think I can officially say I have never been more confused in my life than I was in that very instant. I can bet my entire life what I had just witnessed was the end to a date. Thankfully, an insanely crappy one, but a date nonetheless. And yet I had definitely seen a mostly naked Sam in this very apartment with my own eyes. Along with the fact that not once since he had moved in next to me had he given any hint about going through a break up from a six year, very, very long term relationship. In fact he was almost behaving like he has found a new lease on life. Did that at all seem like a man going through a heart break? So then what the fuck was tonight about?

I was still standing there completely bewildered about what I should be thinking when he nodded once, turning his back to me and proceeding to unlock his door. My mind completely baffled at how I should be reacting right now. I still had most of my drink sitting on my counter and I have yet to figure out what emotion I should be feeling when I down it.

And as if he hadn't given me enough to stress about tonight already, he then finds a way to throw me for a loop even more cause he whips around once again.

"Are you free tomorrow?"


"I need new clothes. And you always dress really nice, so I know... if you could help me pick something out. I mean, only if you really want to. But if you are busy or if Kelly is..."

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